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啤酒爽口,巧克力醇香,不亦美味乎?Beer and chocolate, what could be better?

上迈扑山谷地区固有的和谐醇香。Harmonious balsamic notes proper of Upper Maipo Valley.

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散发着烟草、茴香酒的醇香与一丝焦油的淡雅气息。Offering tobacco and anisette notes and a touch of tar.

醇香丰盈、顺喉、圆浑,带来如丝般感觉。Mellow rich, smooth throat, rounded, bringing silky feel.

我喜欢淡淡的茶,只是一小口,就醇香绕齿。I Like the subtle taste of tea that last long after a sip.

我喜欢品淡淡的茶,只一小口,就醇香绕齿。I like the subtle taste of tea that lasts long after a sip.

醇香飘自这战场,恶臭泛起沿着河上。Perfume from battle-fields rising, up from the foetor arising.

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丹阳黄酒甘冽醇香,得益于练湖的水好。Danyang wine Ganlie mellow, thanks to practice good water lake.

鱼肉腌制得越久味越醇香。The fish flesh souse more long taste is more fragrant and mellower.

馥郁醇香,充满活力,散发出蓝莓的熏香及辛香气息。Juicy, rich and youthful, offering smoky blueberry and spice scents.

年轻的人们习惯在生活的都市中寻找醇香奶茶、爽口鲜果甜品的踪迹。The young people habit in urban in search for tea, sweetmeats trace.

路旁。是蓊蓊郁郁的小小树枝。经典而醇香。By the roadside. Is WengWengYuYu little branches. Classic and mellow.

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在此优化条件下糯米产生的醪糟醇香,绵甜。In optimal conditions, glutinous rice wine is of the mellowest taste.

当爱空白重拾时,有如千年红酒更加的醇香诱人!When love blank back, like the Millennium wine more mellow attractive!

醇香薰浴身体皮肤的防腐工程产品。Alcohols in aromatherapy bath body product works as antiseptic for the skin.

此菜色泽酱红原汁原味,醇香诱人,酒饭皆宜。This dish is the color red sauce flavor, aromatic flavor, food and drink it.

醇香的奶油味,满嘴都是纯奶油,太棒了。Nothing compares to the sublime, creamy flavor and mouth feel of pure butter.

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大吟酿清酒酿造技术和绝妙的芳醇香味有效的结成一体。With a good balance of DAIGINJO special brewing techniques and perfect bouquet.

这个世界本来就应该这样醇香弥漫、缤纷多彩。This world originally should be like this fragrance diffuses, profusion is colorful.

酒体丰腴,单宁丰富,耐人寻味,但不乏醇香的水果口味。此酒颇为强劲,浑厚。Full-bodied, and chewy with lots of tannins but loads of fruit. A muscular, big wine.