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座吊桥垮下来了!One drawbridge down!

吊桥有多安全?How safe is a drawbridge?

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吊桥是什么样子的?What Is a Drawbridge Like?

吊桥的可移动部分。The movable part of a drawbridge.

碧潭情人吊桥,踩船,散步。Bitan Drawbridge, Rowing Boat, Walking.

这是塔古斯河上有名的吊桥。This is the famous suspension bridge on the Tagus.

试想一下另外如降落伞绳索和吊桥上的绳索。Think parachute cords and suspension bridge cables.

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这是世界上第一个全尺寸的预应力引吊桥,独特的T形结构梁向左右延伸90米跨度。This unique T-beam is composed of two 90 meter spans.

豆豆过吊桥时象二战中解放世界的美国女兵。Doudou looked like an American soldier in World War 2.

大多数吊桥依靠两根长木头来收放。Most drawbridges worked using two long pieces of wood.

这些桥梁类型包括升降桥、平旋桥以及吊桥。These bridge types include lift, swing and bascule bridges.

吊桥一倒,便是你大展宏图之时。Once the drawbridge is down, what happens next is up to you.

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当我厌烦了,不想跟逗他们玩了,我就在自家院子里拉几根钢索吊桥。When I'm bored, I build large suspension bridges in my yard.

苏先生在碧潭吊桥附近卖棉花糖已经有38年了。Mr. Su has sold cotton candy at the Bitan Bridge for 38 years.

在1964年之前,金门大桥都还是全世界最长的吊桥。Until 1964, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.

你正穿过一座吊桥,桥宽仅容一人通过。The bridge is wide enough for only one person to pass at a time.

听见吊桥上车轮的声音,穿靴子的猫急忙跑了出来。Hearing the wheels on the drawbridge, Puss in Boots hastened out.

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过吊桥的时候请大家用手抓紧绳缆。Please keep a firm grasp on the cable when crossing the drawbridge.

我们在过吊桥时遇到的汲水的孩子。we came across this footbridge where these children were carrying flour.

该地区政府决定在这条河上建一座吊桥。The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.