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他给自己的马匹烙上了印痕。He scored on his horses.

马匹正在上挽具。The horses are harnessing.

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浑身汗水的马匹。A horse reeking with sweat.

正在奔跑的马匹无法钉蹄铁。One cannot shoe a running horse.

弹药箱是由马匹来拉的。A caisson is a wagon pulled by horses.

马匹在马戏场上腾跳。The horses pranced in the circus ring.

但是苏凯和马匹在棚里都很安全。But Sukey and the horses were safe inside.

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马匹驮着供应品走上陡峭的山路。Horses bore supplies up the steep mountain.

他奔到他的马匹处,赫廉跟在他的身后。He rushed to his horse. Hallam followed him.

这可能会引起马匹的无故受惊。This may cause horses to unexplainably spook.

盖瑞还守着马匹等他回去么?Would Gared still be waiting with the horses?

这样有助于他们的马匹跑得距离更长,时速更快。That helped their ponies run longer and faster.

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远观其他邻居和马匹也不错。And other neighbor with the horses at a distance.

长草中疾驰而过的马匹有如蝼蚁。Horses small as ants thundering through the grass.

他们盗走将军的马匹使他丧失坐骑。They dismounted the general by stealing his horse.

在邮局前面他止住他的马匹。He reined in his horses in front of the post office.

雨果的朋友们找到了自己的马匹,跟着他追去了。Hugos friends fetched their horses and followed him.

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蒙古是世界上每人拥有马匹数目最多的地方。Mongolia has the most horses per person in the world.

保险费用取决这些马匹的使用场合。The costs of insuring horses depends on what they do.

兵众皆蒙面,或枪或步,或乘马匹。Bing Zhong Jie masked, or gun, or steps, or ride horses.