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这张票据已到期。The bill is due.

按照日期为每叠票据排序。Sort each pile by date.

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票据即将到期。The bill will soon fall due.

我拒绝兑现你的票据。I refuse to honour your bill.

不记名票据就变得十分重要Bearer notes became very important.

有时候,这是不记名票据In some cases, they were bearer notes.

我们应该清理逾期票据。We should clean up the past-due bills.

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计算、分析、检查财务票据?。Calculation, Analysis, financial documents?

本票据印刷在支票专用纸上。This check is printed on check protect paper.

票据是代表金钱支付权利的文据。An instrument is a document of title to money.

新鲜和果味容易的和烤票据。Fresh and fruity with jammy and toasted notes.

票据接收员特雷尔欧文斯家里装了一个。Bills receiver Terrell Owens keeps one at home.

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你必须在门口向那人出示票据。You must show the ticket to the man at the gate.

到期日,是指票据到期或应付款的日期。The date on which a note becomes due and payable.

计算、分析、检查财务票据?Calculation, Analysis, Checking financial documents?

不来梅参议院发行了与黄金捆绑的票据。The Bremen Senate issued its own notes tied to gold.

这张银行票据前天到期了。This note to the bank matured the day before yesterday.

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特蕾西?请把这些票据送给财务处的阿兰。A. Tracy? Please take these bills to Alan in Accounting.

实际上,这类票据就是一种原始的货币。Scrip of this kind becomes, in effect, a proto-currency.

然后,票据交换所把这些实际的支票交给每个标据付款行。Then they deliver the actual checks to each drawee bank.