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记过基本上令人满意。Give a demerit basically satisfactory.

如果你缺席会议,会被记过的。You get demerits if you miss a meeting.

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他因迟到十分钟而受到记过处分。He gets gigged for being ten minutes late.

男性和女性有他们的优点和记过。Both males and females have their merits and demerits.

在高中,他因为迟到太多次而被学校记过停学。In high school, he was suspended for being late too many times.

警察给那开摩托车的人记过一次,因为他在“停车”标志前没有停车。The constable booked the motorist for failing to stop at "Halt"sign.

如果交流是不合格的,那么最终的记过也是不合格的,过时的!When communication is substandard, the end result is substandard, period!

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记过十多年的片面开展,丰胸整形技术在国际曾经十分兴旺。Ten years of one-sided carry demerit, breast shaping technique was thriving in international.

记过十多年的片面开展,丰胸整形技术在国际曾经十分兴旺。Ten years of one-sided carry demerit, breast shaping the international used to be very prosperous.

知情不报或作伪证者,给予严重警告或记过处分。Students who make misprision or forswear shall be given the punishment of serious warning or demerit recording.

为符合相关程序要求,需要编制报告预编表,该表还用于记录各项干预活动的记过,以及实验结果。Report proformas are generated to meet the requirements of the appropriate procedures and to record results of interventions and tests.

行政处分分为警告、记过、记大过、降级、撤职、开除。Administrative sanctions include a warning, record of demerit, record of a major demerit, demotion, removal from office, discharge, etc.

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另一方面,对湖人来说火箭赢得第一轮是更好的记过,因为毫无疑问的,湖人在对阵火箭时更有优势。On the one hand, it's better for the Lakers if Houston wins this series, because without question LA matches up better against the Rockets.

肆意破坏学院财物的学生将被给予记过处分。重犯者将被遣送回国,其学生准证也将被终止。Students caught vandalizing will be given demerit points. Repeated offenders will face repatriation and their Student's Pass es will be terminated.

传统的灌输式德育把德育过程当成是道德知识的识记过程,忽视师生之间的相互理解。The process of moral education was regarded as the process of memorization of moral knowledge with the mutual understanding between teachers and students ignored.

不管你们学校是开除你,还是给你记过,我都将把此次剽窃事件的前因后果上报相关的教育部门和研究机构,以作为备案。No matter you are expelled, or given demerit, I will report the cause and effect of this incident to related education department and institution, just for records.

员工记过与嘉奖由部门主管提出,经执行董事签字确认,再由行政人事部实施并记入员工档案。Demerit recording and commendation which is presented by department manager shall be conformed with the signature by the executive director, and finally recorded by personnel department.