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俺已经将蝴蝶撷在手心里了。I have to hand in the mind.

如何治疗手心脱皮?。How to treat control desquamate?

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亲爱的,未来就在你的手心。Sweety, the future is in your hands.

脸红,脸颊发烫,手心出汗。Flushed, red-hot cheeks. Sweating palms.

敌人逃不出我们的手心。The enemy cannot escape from our control.

他即使舀起我的水托在手心。For, though he scoop my water in his palm.

敌人逃不出我们的手心。Thee enemy cannot escape from our control.

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略,让她俩都逃不出我的手心。Slightly, the two are Taobuchu her my palm.

手心里的温柔,是盈盈一握的温暖。Hand gentle heart is Yingying a grip warmth.

而小小的匕首藏在她手心。And with a little pen-knife held in her hand.

手心向下助人,手心向下求人。Helping palms down, palms down, ask for help.

他能感觉到珠子硌得手心生疼。He could feel the beads digging into his palm.

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手心对手背相互搓擦,交换进行。Rub each palm over the back of the other hand.

孙悟空跳不出如来佛的手心。The Monkey King cannot jump out of Buddha's palm.

会有大片大片的雪花洒落在我的手心。There will be large tracts of snow in the Sala my palms.

我只是个希望被人疼在手心、这样也错了?。I just want to be a pain in the palm, this is the wrong ?

我看见狭长星夜,你手心的力量,坦荡的爱情。I saw a starry night, the strength of your hand, be love.

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伸出双手,大概距离桌面上方8cm高处,手心朝上。hold your hands about 8cm above the table, palms facing up

想像一下如果在你手心放下一块烧红的热炭会怎么办?Imagine what you'd do with a hot piece of coal in your hand.

想像一下如果在你手心放下一块烧红的热炭会怎么办?Imagine what you’d do with a hot piece of coal in your hand.