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如果有人化装成女士,一经发现便将受到重罚。Any men caught impersonating women will be severely punished.

但王林的同龄人却不认为他应受重罚。But Wang's peers didn't think he deserved a strong punishment.

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看外国电影外国电视,会受重罚.Punishment for watching foreign films and television shows is stiff.

谁违背神的意志看见了神,就要受到重罚以赎罪。He who beholds the gods against their will, shall atone for it by a heavy penalty.

应该有效地强制执行健全的反对乱扔赃物的法规,并辅以重罚。Strong anti-littering laws should be enforced effectively and backed by hefty fines.

同样的耻辱刑,对不同的人来说,可能意味着轻罪重罚或重罪轻罚。The same humiliate punishment may means to be too severe or too light to different men.

需要提醒您的是,印花税实行的是轻税重罚政策,旨在督促纳税人养成自觉纳税的习惯。What I'd like to remind to the Stamp Tax to encourage taxpayers'sense of self-compliance.

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法院对一家异议报纸因为抨击国会苛以重罚。And a court slapped a big fine on an opposition newspaper for slandering a parliamentarian.

在公交站停车是违法的。触犯此条的司机将受重罚。Parking at the bus stop is illegal. Motorists committing this infraction are heavily fined.

梅德奥杰夫亦对滥用职权的官员予以重罚。President Medvedev also called for tough punishment against officers who will abuse their position.

为了奥运会,政府将空气质量列为最重要的工作重点之一,并对违规者施以重罚。For the Olympics, the government made clean air one of its top priorities and cracked down on violators.

相关机构的职责就在于调查事情的真相,如果事情是真的,那就开除或者施以重罚。The duty of the organization is to investigate the event and if true dismiss or heavily punish the scholar.

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若然该等工程并不合法,政府必须检控和重罚有关负责人。If the works are unlawful, the perpetrators must be prosecuted and heavily punished. If not unlawful, they should be.

如果你为了钱去作弊,那你将遭到重罚。When you are cheating because you want money you will have lots of lots of heavy punishments. First they will quit you from job.

警方提出警告,任何人如触犯与爆炸品有关的罪行而被定罪可被重罚。Police warned that explosives-related offences carry heavy penalty and offenders may be liable to life imprisonment upon conviction.

如果这些都是真的,有了铁证,我想那些卷入其中的人们需要重罚。If it is true, and if there is hard evidence, then I think those involved should pay a heavy penalty for it because it's disgraceful.

任何人士在续办纺织商登记申请书作出虚假声明,均会被重罚。Heavy penalties are provided for a person who makes a false statement in an application for renewal of registration as a textiles trader.

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如果你认为防守球员的行为违背了体育精神,警告该球员,并要求点球重罚。If you consider that the defender has committed an act of unsporting behaviour, caution the offender and restart play with a retaken penalty.

美国则规定,代言产品的公众人物必须是产品的使用者,一旦发现其信口雌黄会被重罚。The United States, public figures speak products must be the product users, once found his irresponsible remarks are subject to heavy penalties.

严打期间,警方通常对罪犯采取严厉措施,司法机关则果断处以重罚。During the campaign, the police usually took tough measures against criminals and the judicial authorities handed down swift and harsh penalties.