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然后你说,”好吧,他要脚蹼and then you say, "OK, he wants flippers

苏亚雷斯会不会戴着脚蹼和通气管上场踢球?Will Suarez be playing in flippers and snorkel.

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我迅速穿上耐用的潜水脚蹼,潜入海中。I immediately put on my durable swim fins and dived into the ocean.

难道戴着红鼻子穿着脚蹼杂耍似的玩球就是“体育”?Is juggling a ball while wearing a red nose and seal flippers “sport”?

所以为什么我们不允许,所有人在游泳时戴上脚蹼呢?so why don't we just allow everyone to have flippers when they're swimming?

我第二天买了一橡皮脚蹼,自此从事切肤潜水。The next day I bought a pair of swim fins and I have been skin diving ever since.

戴上你最喜欢的脚蹼,双臂和身体呈流线型,蹬壁出发。Put on your favorite pair of fins and push off on your back with arms in streamline.

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冬季野生动物图片。国王企鹅的脚蹼是特殊宽大的,帮助它们深潜在冰洋。King penguins' flippers are distinctively large, helping them dive deep in the icy ocean.

这种情况一直持续着,直到他的脚蹼被严重磨穿为止。他在游泳方面只得了个唯一的及格成绩。This was kept up until his webbed feet were badly worn and he was only average in swimming.

但是我们想要你拍动身上的潜水脚蹼,潜入这场争论中,自己做出判断。But we want you to slap on your flippers, dive into the controversy, and judge for yourself.

你可以不用脚蹼,不过你很快就会发现起伏训练对腿部力量的要求了。You can start with or without fins, but you'll quickly realize loping is very leg dependent.

的时候,她的脚蹼是否都在,不过,她确定在捞她起来的过程中,最少掉了一个。G. had both her fins on when she was found, but knew at least one came off during the ascent.

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租上一副潜水镜,救生衣和脚蹼,跃入清澈的海中与五颜六色的鱼儿共舞。Renting a pair of mask, life jackets and fins, and leap into clear sea and colorful fish to dance.

他们身着改造过的侦察兵盔甲,有氧气灌、脚蹼和头盔聚光灯。They featured modified scout armor, with breathing tanks, flippers, and a helmet-mounted spotlight.

接着海豚进行了惊人的跳跃,挥舞脚蹼等表演。Then the dolphins perform a private show, showing off there amazing jumps and waving their flippers.

参观这处圣所的游客需要戴上氧气面罩与脚蹼,或者通过游览船的玻璃船底观看海洋生物。Visitors to the sanctuary don masks and fins or view the sea life through the glass bottoms of tour boats.

租上一副潜水镜,救生衣和脚蹼,跃入清澈的海中与五颜六色的鱼儿共舞。Rent on a diving glasses, a life jacket and webbed feet, into the clear and the sea of colorful fish dance.

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接近海扇的时候必须注意周围的环境,一定要注意脚蹼停留的地方,不要伤害其他的海底生物。Be aware of the surrounding environment, pay close attention to fin positioning, so not to damage other coral.

重复整套练习一次或多次,也可以带一个背板或脚蹼以帮助你更加专著于呼吸上。Try repeating the set one or more times and you could even add a pull buoy or fins to help you focus on your breathing.

在陆地,它们蹒跚而行和雪橇横过冰的滑行用它们的腹部,和推进它们自己用脚蹼。On land, they waddle and toboggan across the ice—sliding on their bellies, and propelling themselves with their flippers.