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啊目光炯炯有神的爱人!O sweetheart of the gazes bright!

他双目炯炯有神。He has a pair of bright piercing eyes.

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她的眼睛非常年轻,炯炯有神。Her eyes had remain young and vivacious.

你有一双黑色的眼睛,炯炯有神。You had a black eye. A right bloody shiner.

他必须头脑清醒,目光炯炯有神。He must remain sober-minded, bright and piercing eyes.

他是个青年人,目光炯炯有神,行动敏捷。He was a youny man, bright of eye and quick of movement.

杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女孩子追。Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of.

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杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神神,成了许多女孩子追。Jack, , with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of.

他是一位上了年纪的绅士,满头银发,两眼炯炯有神。He is an elderly gentleman, silver-haired, with a twinkle in his eyes.

这位腰背挺直、两眼炯炯有神的老先生确实做了不少事。The old gentleman with the ramrod bock and twinkling eyes had indeed done many things.

这位白发军官双目炯炯有神,眉宇间露出一副执拗的凶相。The elderly white-haired officer had the gnarled and menacing brow and blazing, powerful eyes.

记忆中的他,声音温和、两眼炯炯有神,一个双关语、一段笑话,会使他的浓眉滑稽地飞舞。I remember a warm voice, expressive eyes, and bushy eyebrows that wiggled comically at a pun or a joke.

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老太太的身子由于渴望知道信的内容而颤抖,她的眼睛炯炯有神地凝视着我,脸庞因急切的期待一片绯红。The old lady was watching me with trembling eagerness, her face flushed and her eyes bright with expectation.

我家的小狗全身黑乎乎的,一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,三条细细的胡须,一条粗粗的尾巴和四只小小的脚。My family's puppy whole body is dark, a fiery big eye, three careful beards, a thick tail and four small feet.

“火相脸”的人面颊饱满,大眼炯炯有神,下颌宽,下巴尖,嘴巴大。The characteristics of Fire Face are round full cheeks, large radiant eyes, broad jaw, pointed chin, wide mouth.

手术室的门开了,我和爸爸急忙走进去。啊,妈妈那双炯炯有神的大眼睛紧闭着,平时红红的脸现在苍白了。The operating room opened and my father and I hurried in. Her red face looked pale and her expressive eyes were widely shut.

这只大熊猫两只手张开好像要拥抱我们,一双有黑眼圈的眼睛炯炯有神,并咧着嘴向我们微笑。The animal hands open as if to embrace us, there is a pair of eyes bright and piercing black eye, and Lie Zhuozui to us smile.

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杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女孩追求的目标。Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the target of many pretty girl.

杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双年夜眼睛炯炯有神,成了良多女孩子追求的目标。Jack, with a body well'proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the target of many pretty girls.

杰克体形匀称,个头儿适中,一双大眼睛炯炯有神,成了许多女孩子追求的。Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the target of many pretty girls.