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看哪,这赤裸裸的自恋之沙。Ah, the sands of narcissism.

我猜我喜欢看这种赤裸裸的贫困。I guess I like poverty porn.

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罗马人的浪漫是“醉醺醺,赤裸裸”,历史学家诺尔.棱斯基说。The Roman romantics "were drunk.

除非风和日丽,要不然我只是赤裸裸地呆在屋里。Unless it’s a warm day, I’m only naked inside.

所有归结到一点,就是圣彼得堡赤裸裸的野心。All it comes down to is Gazprom's naked ambition.

不过赤裸裸的赖账不还的可能性也不能完全排除。But outright default cannot be entirely ruled out.

赤裸裸的四肢,赤裸裸的树木和风如咸盐般刺激?Bare limbs, bare trees and a wind as sharp as salt?

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这样子就不会像赤裸裸的真实那样大老远就能把人灼伤。Not the naked truth that can burn over any distance.

我赤裸裸地来到这个世界,也要赤裸裸地离去。Naked came I into this world,and naked must I go out.

这里面暴露了他的赤裸裸的动机,竟达到有失体统的地步。It carried naked truth about his motives into indecency.

孝亲颂当我赤裸裸,来到这个世界!体重不到十斤,身长仅有一尺!The filial piety I was naked, when i arrives this world!

在战壕中,SUNDEK的女战士们在奋力对抗赤裸裸的烈焰!In the trenches, SUNDEK soldiers resist under nudist fire.

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没有人可以忍受赤裸裸地暴露在一个年轻姑娘的眼皮下。No man will bear unprotected exposure to a young girl's eyes.

因此,今天为充分的披露,我把自己赤裸裸的放在这儿。So today in the spirit of full disclosure, I lay myself bare.

任由你们读懂我,而我会赤裸裸地拥抱整个世界。Whatever you spell over me, but I will hug the entire world nakedly.

现如今,除了名字外,人民联盟是赤裸裸反民主的。Despite its name, the People's Alliance is explicitly antidemocratic.

他问道,“难道真有一个孩子从来没有看到过赤裸裸的人吗?”Is there really a child out there who hasn't seen a naked person yet?

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我赤裸裸地来到这个世界,也要赤裸裸的离去。Naked came I into this world, and naked must I go out. ----Cervantes.

赤裸裸的猥亵细节再度充斥了报纸的版面。The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.

出现如此“赤裸裸”却未被曝光的官员是第二点失误。To have such "naked" yet unexposed officials makes for a second failing.