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世尊啊!这是受智者所赞扬的。Praised by the wise, lord.

相比看智者猫也有权晋见国王。A cat may look on the king.

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智者不惑。A wise man is never confused.

智者一言足矣/明白人不用细说。A word to the wise is enough.

愚者可以给智者忠告。愚者千虑,必有一得。A fool may give a wise man counsel.

一个智者是不会被阿谀奉承所迷惑的。A wise man is superior to flattery.

和智者生活,时时勤于思索。With the wise Man Living'sThinking.

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智者的声音是愚者的方向。The wise man's voice is a direction.

你是孤独的看客,是智者。You're a solitary gazer , a thinker.

那么,谁又是那些托尔埃勒西尔的智者?So, who are these Wise of Tol Eressea?

大智者发宏论。Big wisdom person hair informed opinion.

智者改变主意,愚者从不改变。Wise man change their minds,fools never.

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“仁者乐山,智者乐水”。Others Mountain, the wise man happy water.

智者是埃达精灵的中的首席领主。The Wise are the chief lords of the Eldar.

译〕智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.

近来我曾遇到一些懂得如何生活的智者。I met someone recently who knows how to live.

向智者进言常常引来一场争论。A word to the wise usually starts an argument.

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同智者一起考虑,与俗人一起交谈。Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar.

寂寞无扰于智者。A wise man is never less alone than when alone.

甚至连住在这智者附近的人也很快活!Happy even is he who liveth near this wise man!