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眼科大夫从他眼中撤除一个异物。The oculist removed a foreign object from his eye.

现在,我已经认识到‘重新部署’并非‘撤除’。Now I understand the word 'redeploy' isn't 'remove.

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指定当步兵被命令“撤除安排”的帧序列。Specifies frames used when an infantry unit is order to "undeploy".

霸州段铁路旁的水泥厂并没有被撤除,它们只是大门上了锁,正等待复工。Their doors have only been padlocked and are waiting to be reopened.

DNT在止血完成后必须从脊髓周边撤除。DNT must always be removed from spinal cord after hemostasis is achieved.

撤除曾经经过世界上的军事,警察和情报部门得以完成。The takedown is being done by the world's military, police and intelligence agencies.

但是观察员并不期望各国撤除利润丰厚的关税壁垒。But observers are not expecting the countries’ lucrative customs posts to be dismantled.

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我们一直都在为撤除朝鲜半岛的核武器而不懈努力着。And we have always been making constructive efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.

容易安装和撤除的过滤装置,保证泵没有振动地自由运行。Snap-lock strainer base for easy installation and removal, and silent vibration free running.

撤除血清诱导的巨噬细胞凋亡可能是一种新的巨噬细胞AICD模型。Serum-deprivation induced macrophage apoptosis is identified as one kind of macrophage's AICD.

花费了大笔资金对抗危机的俄罗斯表示经济仍需要支持.它担心如果美国、欧元区、中国和日本等大型经济体单方面开始撤除经济刺激措施的话,经济复苏可能受损.Russia, which has spent large sums on anti-crisis measures, says the economy still needs support.

但百胜餐饮集团对撤除反式脂肪酸的号召,刚一出台时的回应十分有趣But Yum Brands responded in a very interesting way when the call to remove trans fat first came out.

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巴西政府最后宣布决定古布阿苏属国家果实,并要求将果名从商标中撤除。Brazil eventually spoken Cupuacu to be the national fruit & the name to be incompetent for trade-mark.

西田昌司要求首相菅直人撤除前原的职务。West Tian Chang Division requires removal of the former Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the original position.

最后,只好要求他/她把你的号码从呼叫单上撤除,并且要求对方撤除后你再挂电话。Finally, ask to be taken off the calling list, and wait for the telemarketer to do it before you hang up.

主审法官因此公开了大部分文字记录,而媒体则撤除了向最高法院提出的上诉。The judge released most of the transcripts, and the media dropped their appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

1997年,中国将同性恋行为合法化,此后的2001年,该国又将这一行为从精神病的官方清单中撤除。China decriminalized homosexuality in 1997, and in 2001 removed it from the official list of mental disorders.

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将不进行器官摘取除非在撤除生命支持发生心源性死亡60分钟之内。Organ procurement does not proceed unless cardiac death occurs within 60 minutes of withdrawal of life support.

大张旗鼓地宣传撤除是最近几次清理中国的学术出版业的努力之一。The highly publicized takedown is one of several recent efforts to clean up China's academic publishing industry.

现在息率上限既已撤除,商业银行可以更灵活地按照信贷风险来订定贷款利率。With the interest rate ceiling now removed, commercial banks can better price their lending rates to credit risk.