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两只蜗牛一直生活在款冬叶上。A snail was living on a back of a butterbur leaf.

有两只蜗牛住在款冬叶子的背面。Two snails were living on a back of the butterbur leaves.

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叶子。许多长着宽大叶子的款冬在一起看上去漂亮极了。A lot of butterbur trees with big leaves looked very nice.

蜂斗菜与款冬则是菊科不同属的两种植物。Butterbur and coltsfoot belong to two different genera of Compositae.

有天,他们发现有只小蜗牛在一片款冬叶子后哭。One day, they found a little snail crying on the back of a butterbur leaf.

款冬叶历史上用来包装黄油,这种草药的名称。Butterbur leaves were historically used to wrap butter, giving this herb its name.

方法通过小鼠氨水引咳实验观察款冬花、款冬花与紫菀配伍的止咳作用。MethodsEvaluating the antitussive effect by cough times of mice caused by ammonia.

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下雨了,雨点溅在款冬叶子上发出好听的声音。When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrop on the butterbur leaf.

下雨的时候,雨滴飞溅到款冬叶上,发出好听的声音。When it rained, funny sounds came from the splashing raindrops on the butterbur leaf.

两只蜗牛把他带到他们一直生活的大款冬叶上。The two snails took him to a big special butterbur leaf where they were always living.

蜗牛以款冬叶为生,吃不完的款冬叶让蜗牛生活得很是闲适。The snail ate the butterbur leaves and lived peacefully moving from one leaf or stem to another.

款冬花又名款冬、冬花,属多年生草本植物,以花蕾入药。Coltsfoot Flower also known as butterbur, winter flowers, is a perennial herb, with flower medicine.

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本发明由中药款冬花挥发油、香精及成品烟丝组成。The cigarette consists of volatile oil of Chinese medicine coltsfoot flower, essence and tobacco shred.

结果款冬花各个不同提取物均能降低组胺引起的豚鼠离体回肠收缩幅度。The contraction extent of isolated ileum was observed. Inhibition ratio of the contraction extent was calculated.

中医以为,款冬花性温味辛,可入肺经,拥有润肺下气、止咳化痰的成就。Chinese medicine, Coltsfoot Flower of warm spicy, can be lungs through, with the lungs and under the gas, the effectiveness of cough and phlegm.

目的研究比较款冬花各个不同提取物对豚鼠离体回肠收缩的作用。OBJECTIVE To investigate and compare the effect of different extracts of Tussilago farara L. on the contraction of isolated ileum of guinea pig.

关于款冬,你的儿科医生,非常年幼的儿童不宜服用,并没有研究已经在6岁以下的儿童。Talk to your pediatrician about butterbur, as very young children should not take it, and no studies have been done in children under 6 years old.

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由甘草‧桑白皮‧牡丹花‧款冬花‧人参‧当归‧大枣‧阿仙药‧黄莲…等,15种汉方药草萃取而成,保湿添加,能够深入滋润美容肌肤!Utena UV Whitening Cream consists of 15 kinds of chinese herbs including ginseng, big date and yellow lotus, which can deeply moisturise and beautify the skin.