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那枚金币在马灯下闪耀着温暖的光泽。The gold coin glowed warm in the lantern light.

当他把马灯举起来的时候,光线瞬间充满了那双像鹰一样锐利的眼睛。When he raised his lantern, the light shone full on those beady eyes.

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其“马灯”,是仿照马的形状用竹篾扎纸糊成。Lantern and is modeled on the shape of the horse with Bamboo bar into a papier.

这是一个利用汇编语言进行编写的跑马灯程序。This is a use of assembly language procedures for the preparation of the Marquee.

他抓住一棵树,支撑着自己,点上了那盏旧马灯,以驱散笼罩过来的黑暗。Grabbing a tree for support, he lit the old possum lantern against the oncoming darkness.

跑马灯常出现“独家新闻”的字眼,结果证明有误后给摘了下来。"Scoops" regularly appear on the tickers , only to be pulled when they prove to be wrong.

跑马灯功能,支持完全自定义滚动模式,项目,外观等。Marquee features, fully support the custom rolling model projects, such as the appearance.

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很明显他们以为会见到当时其他搜索页面常见的闪烁的广告和跑马灯字幕。Clearly they expected more of the flashy ads and busy text of other search pages of the 1990s.

泽德凯亚·史密斯提起马灯,两人头也不回地走向岩壁的出口。Zedekiah Smith took up the lantern and without looking back they passed through the opening in the rock wall.

城市和企业总是出尽风头,因为他们有摩天大楼和大型跑马灯做宣传。Cities and businesses are the ones you're always hearing about, because they have the skyscrapers and the big marquees.

国际救援还在陆续到达,包括两架美国空军货机,运输了帐篷,马灯和15,000份食品。Foreign aid continued to arrive, including two U. S. Air Force cargo planes loaded with tents, lanterns and 15,000 meals.

这个想法是,这个画家的网站,PHP将呼叫值以他们为“最新”跑马灯显示。The idea is that on this painter's website PHP will call out values in order to display them as a "What's New" news ticker.

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这时,在严寒中,借着马灯那闪烁的淡黄色光辉,他注意到月桂树的叶子紧紧地卷曲成一条条的,状似铅笔。Then, in its flickering yellow glow, he noticed the leaves of the laurel were curled up tight like pencils in the bitter cold.

我在等其他部分都显示出来呢,"他们说道.显然他们还在等待1990年代搜索页面流行的闪烁广告和跑马灯字幕出现."I'm waiting for the rest of it, " they'd say. Clearly they expected more of the flashy ads and busy text of other search pages of the 1990s.

在大谷仓的一角有一块凸起的平台,上面是用稻草铺好的垫子,麦哲已经坐在那里,头顶的横梁上挂着一盏马灯。At one end of the big barn, on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern which hung from a beam.

协调保利科技有限公司紧急调配一批太阳能手电和马灯,通过邮政快递运往湖南省郴州市。Poly Technologies Inc. was also mobilized to organize the emergency dispatch of solar energy flashlights and hurricane lamps to Chenzhou of Hunan Province by way of post-express.