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我常骑自行车。I cycle a lot.

大众自行车D8Public Bikes D8

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来次自行车旅行?Take a bike trip?

那是你的自行车吗?Is that your bike?

这是这些天来他回答关于北京印象问题的标准答案,“我还是想念自行车。”I miss the bicycles.

什么在这辆自行车上?What is on the bike?

你喜欢骑自行车吗?Do you enjoy cycling?

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这是你的自行车?Is this your bicycle?

从你的自行车开始。Start with your bike.

你骑自行车吗?Do you ride a bicycle?

我想要一辆自行车来骑。I want a bike to ride.

那是谁的自行车?Whose bicycle is that?

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电动自行车有很多优点。E-bike have superiorly.

我喜欢骑我的自行车。I like to ride my bike.

我经常骑着自行车。I usually ride my bike.

是个小型的自行车打气筒。It's mini bicycle pump.

一个篮子在这个自行车上。A basket is on the bike?

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他盖了一间自行车棚。He built a bicycle shed.

我能把自行车放这儿吗?Where can I put it then?

我愿意骑自行车旅行。I tike traveling by bike.