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我认为比尔是想伺机捞一把。I thought Bill intended to be on the grab.

他想在这笔肮脏的交易中捞一把。He tried to profiteer from this dirty deal.

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我认为比尔是想伺机捞一把。We thought that Egypt was a romantic country.

他希望快速地捞一把,然后就把它带回家。He wants to make a quick kill and take it home.

许多商人都急于在流行的中国热中捞一把。Many merchants were not slow to cash in on the current China craze.

利萨科尔一心想趁目前的混乱状况捞一把。Lisacore thinks of nothing but making a market of the present confusions.

托马斯和保罗都认为市价上涨可以使他们捞一把。Both Thomas and Paul thought that a rise in the market would enable them to cash in.

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希望能在这次被称为本世纪最幸运的一天中捞一把的人们都前往拉斯维加斯。Folks hoping to cash in on the so-called luckiest day of the century have headed to Las Vegas.

主要问题是在我们没有来得及在市场上销售产品之前,防止别人捞一把。The main problem is to prevent others cashing in before we have had time to market the product.

多数参赌者此时想“现在运气好,何不乘机大捞一把?”Most of those who now want to take part, "Now, good luck, why not take advantage of a large fishing?"

相反,那些追逐新航线、能源供给和打鱼基地的国家和公司将能够大捞一把。By contrast, countries and businesses pursuing new shipping lanes, energy supplies and fishing grounds could profit.

司徒雷登大使老爷却坐着不动,睁起眼睛看着,希望开设新店,捞一把。Ambassador Stuart Sat. tight, watching wide-eyed, hoping to set up shop under a new signboard and to reap some profit.

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司徒雷登大使老爷却坐着不动,睁起眼睛看着,希望开设新店,捞一把。Yet His Excellency Ambassador Stuart Sat. tight, watching wide-eyed, hoping to set up shop under a new signboard and to reap some profit.

今天库普切克还提到他希望可以留住自由球员沙沙和屠夫,但是同时他也渴望在自由球员市场去捞一把。Kupchak said today he expects to retain free agents Sasha Vujacic and Ronny Turiaf, but otherwise may show a faint interest in the free-agent market.

法案充斥着花招伎俩与敷衍了事,而这样设计的目的只在于从国会预算办公室捞一把,但并不想真心实意地控制如野马脱缰般飞涨的开支。They’ve stuffed the legislation with gimmicks and dodges designed to get a good score from the Congressional Budget Office but don’t genuinely control runaway spending.