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这真是一个颠扑不破的实例。This was really irrefutable evidence.

没有冲突就没有戏剧,这是颠扑不破的艺术规律。It is an irrefutable law of art that there is no drama without conflicts.

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乔氏在这里认定,语法的生成性是颠扑不破的真理。I don't know of any alternative to the proposal that grammar is generative.

很多人认为他们所患癌症与暴露与接触有毒物质之间存在着颠扑不破的关联。Many consider the connection between their cancer and exposure and toxics to be irrefutable.

“军民团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌”永远是颠扑不破的真理。It is an irrefutable truth that "so long as the army and people are united as one, they can defeat any enemy."

如果没有这些颠扑不破的定律,物理学就不可能在任何足够长的岁月作为一门精确的科学而存在。Were there no such superior laws, physics would be impossible as an exact secence over any sufficiently long period.

道德原则是永恒不变圆规,是颠扑不破的真理。这在生意场和课堂上都同样重要。Moral principle is a compass forever fixed and forever true. And that is as important in business as it is in the classroom.

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“随机应变”这个古代战场上颠扑不破的法则今天仍旧适用。This philosophy of shaping according to the changes on the battleground was true of ancient wars, and is still applicable today.

“颠扑不破”的评论手法是喜剧美学的“归谬法”、美术上的速写漫画手法在新闻评论中的运用。The "irrefutable" commentary is the application in news commentary of "reduction to absurdity" in comedy and the caricature in arts.

你可能听到有人把这些行为称为“科学化的方法”,似乎所有的科学家都在向着颠扑不破的真理行进。You might hear someone refer to these practice as "the scientific method, "as if all scientists march to the drumbeat of an absolute.

世界上的事物都有普遍性与特殊性两个方面,这是哲学真理,运用到武术中也是颠扑不破的。You know everything in this world has two sides of popularity and specialty, this is the truth, and it can be true also in martial arts.

知识就是财富、知识就是力量,知识就是经济、科学等方面的源泉,这是颠扑不破的真理。Knowledge is wealth, knowledge is power, and knowledge is the source of economic and scientific development. This is an irrefutable truth.

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要穿破谜雾,顽强地生存下去,他们最大的“护身符”就是知识和智慧,这是犹太人颠扑不破的真理。Mystery fog to perforation, tenaciously survive, their biggest "shield" is knowledge and wisdom, this is the irrefutable truth that the Jews.

结果她套出来,一旦视之为挑衅和不可信的,现在被视为颠扑不破的民俗学者在相关领域的合作。The findings she sets forth, once thought of as provocative and implausible, are now regarded as irrefutable by folklorists and scholars in related fields.

既然父母是最早的偶像人选,在童稚的心中,自有其颠扑不破的地位,那么孩子又能有多少智慧,去判断父母是否犯下过错?Since parents are the earliest models, they hold an indestructible place in a child's heart. How much wisdom does a child have to judge whether or not his parents are at fault?

它们将客户和品牌紧紧粘合在一起,这一点即便进入数字营销时代依然颠扑不破。These are the critical ingredients of the glue which bonds customers to your brand. This is another aspect of the digital marketing landscape which is unchanged from the old days.

荀子是先秦诸子的最后一位大师,他继承了先秦以来儒家礼学的传统,并在此基础之上融入时代的精神使之发扬光大,使之成为中国传统社会两千多年颠扑不破的意识形态基础。Xunzi was the last great man in pre-Qin dynasty, he admitted and promoted the Confucianism which became the base of Chinese major ideology for almost 2000 years in Chinese traditional society.