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我仍然听见了他们甚而在亚洲穴和德国天沟。I still heard them even in Asian dens and German gutters.

权力是政治、业—甚而婚姻的腐蚀剂。Power is the great corrupter of politics, business– and marriage.

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有些电镀工甚而找到好处超过CN银镀层过程。Some platers have even found advantages over CN-silver plating processes.

诱惑了甚而时间叫在东京“辛苦藤茎”妇女的您是?You are that has enticed even time calling in Tokyo "the labor cane" the woman?

大量的数据转储和甚而友好的网上政府门户是不足的。Massive data dumps and even friendly online government portals are insufficient.

与线类似,形状可能看上去太基础了,甚而不值一提。Similar to line, shape may seem so elementary that it’s hardly even worth consideration.

并且您可以甚而有在那个的工作台面那里您的重孙出生。And you may even have that countertop to be there when your great-grandchildren are born.

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我认为我和您应该是朋友,因为您似乎相当凉快和可能甚而逗人喜爱的!I think me and you should be friends, because you seem pretty cool , and maybe even cute!

这现在是一笔显着巨额力量比甚而上面结束个人计算机在市场上。This is a significantly larger amount of power than even the top-end PCs on the market right now.

他们容易发现因为,不固定,他们防止甚而基本的功能在产品。They are easy to discover because, unfixed , they prevent even basic functionality in the product.

而英国的这场表演彻底失败比任何一个都坏,甚而在八分钟似乎无法终止。This British fiasco was worse than any of them, and even at only eight minutes seemed interminable.

欧洲同学甚而呼吁对所有的市场,产品以及参与者实施监管一个都不放。No. Europeans also call for regulation of all markets, products and participants, without exception.

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您的肤色比多数大概是黄色和橄榄并且可能甚而有轻微的红色低音。Your skin tone is probably more yellow and olive than most and could even have a slight red undertone.

读者之中,这些个情况我们都知道,有人是穷困的,觉得生活不容易,有时候,甚而至于可以说连气也喘不过来。Some of you, we all know, are poor, find it hard to live, are sometimes, as it were, gasping for breath.

这样做他就有理由赌气,甚而离家出走,这样就有时机晤他的情人。Doing this gives him reason to get mad and storm out of the house and thus the opportunity to meet a lover.

甚而,医疗化的事件侵入妇女的日常生活,将健康妇女变成病人的角色。Much worse, "medicalization" even invades into women' daily life, and makes all healthy women become patients.

由在上的高上面在一个高档时尚水平,未看见的事上成为了商标和以前甚而竞争。The high tops by Supra have become a trademark and even compete on a high fashion level, something unseen before.

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因而三真实地是附属甚而对在什么之下的普遍标记是或在我们的悟性之外的正常范围。Thus the three are truly universal marks pertaining even to what is below or beyond our normal range of perception.

他们复制本质上找到的功能系统提供冷却,引起能量和甚而淡化水。They are copying functional systems found in nature to provide cooling, generate energy and even to desalinate water.

它采取三快的运动,并且速度锁锎准备好行动-,并且用户甚而不必须弯曲!It takes just three quick movements and the Speed Lock CF is ready for action – and users don't even have to bend over!