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人们窃笑。They titter.

人们在乎“如果”。People care if.

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他还说,人们可以给猪涂上口红,但它还是一头猪。It's still a pig.

人们会“买账”吗?Do people "get it"?

它腐化着人们。It corrupts people.

人们给我写信。People write to me.

人们写遗嘱说。People write wills.

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人们总会买进卖出,一直如此。People buy and sell.

人们喜欢谈话。People like to talk.

这顿饭花了本人们30英镑。The meal cost us 30.

人们会说“哇噻!Do people say, "Wow!"

人们非常害怕。People are so scared.

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中午时本人们吃了一顿饭。At noon we ate a meal.

新英格兰的人们!People of New England!

人们动摇了。People were reluctant.

人们会经常感到无聊烦闷。People are often bored.

人们都恭喜我。People congratulate me.

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她教本人们英语。She teaches us English.

人们可以开始四处针砭时弊But they could lash out.

描述人们的边幅。Describe people's looks.