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实验考虑了进气速度、进气温度对贫油熄火油气比的影响。The effects of inlet temperature and inlet velocity were taken into account.

在世界上一些曾被宣告为贫油的地区,石油正在为人们所发现。Oil is being found in parts of the world which were once pronounced lacking in oil.

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过去的半个世纪中国油气勘探在被世界公认“贫油”的陆相湖盆创造了奇迹。China has made major breakthroughs in oil and gas exploration of lake basin area in the past five decades.

我国是贫油国家,减少对国外石油的依存度是关系国计民生的问题。China is poor country and reducing dependence on foreign oil is the main problem of the people's livelihood.

对模型燃烧室在贫油预混条件下产生的燃烧不稳定性的特性进行了初步研究。A preliminary investigation of low frequency combustion instability has been conducted in an atmospheric combustion facility.

采取加在头部之间插入隔板的措施来降低燃烧室贫油熄火比,效果并不显著。However, the method was not so good in respect of reducing fuel air ratio at lean blowout by inserting clapboard into two domes.

燃煤热载体炉燃料成本低,符合我国的富煤贫油和合理利用能源的政策。The cost is much lower by using coal as the fuel, it is suitable to the national resource conditions with plenty of coal but poor of oil.

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我国富煤贫油少气的能源储备特点,决定了煤炭仍是中国最主要的一次能源,煤炭工业必然要走现代化道路。China's characteristics energy reserves which is rich coal, meager oil and little gas determines the coal is still one of China's main energy.

为降低贫油熄火油气比,对双头部燃烧室进行了燃油周向分级贫油熄火模拟实验研究。The experimental investigation was conducted for the fuel circumferential staging combustor with two domes to improve the lean blowout fuel air ratio.

对工业燃气轮机所使用的典型贫油预混燃烧室内的不稳定燃烧特性进行了数值研究。Combustion instability in a lean premixed combustor typically used in industrial gas turbines was studied with computational fluid dynamics technology.

陆相生油理论的发展和勘探实践的突破,使中国摆脱了贫油的困境。The development of the terrestrial theory on petroleum generation and its breakthrough in exploration have extricated China from its oil-poor predicament.

高温升燃烧室头部燃烧组织方案设计,以改善高温升燃烧室的贫油熄火边界及冒烟性能。A new high temperature rise combustor design with a three-swirler and hybrid injector to improve the smoke emission and lean blow-out characteristics was presented.

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由于我国“贫油、少气、富煤”的能源结构特点,在汽车上使用煤基甲醇燃料作为替代燃料受到了人们的广泛关注。Due to the "deficient oil, lean gas, rich coal" energy structure in China, vehicles fueled with coal-based methanol as an alternative fuel received widespread attention.

分析了浮头式列管换热器的故障现象及产生原因,提出改造方案,并根据改造后的实际情况将脱苯塔和贫富油换热器部分的贫油工艺进行了合理改进。The reasonable improvement of the lean oil technics in crude benzene tower and heat exchanger of lean and fat oil is introduced according to the practical conditions after reconstruction.

使用小流量数喷嘴可显著改善大比重油的贫油点火性能,但点火的压力-速度边界和富油点火边界缩小了。Using a small flow number atomizer may obviously improve the lean ignition limit of the high density fuel, but the ignition velocity-pressure limit and the rich ignition limit are shrunk.