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隆冬时节的达卡灯火通明。It is winter and Dhaka is full of lights.

隆冬,被厚厚积雪所覆盖的禾木,更显得神秘与安静。In deep winter, Hom is covered by heavy snow.

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即使是在隆冬,她也能找到春天。Even in the midst of winter, she finds spring.

隆冬之时,怎得东南风乎?There can be no east wind in the dead of winter.

我生的四个女儿中,有三个是在隆冬出生的。Three of my four daughters were born in the dead of winter.

现在是隆冬,但外面却依然很美。It's the middle of winter right now and it's beautiful outside.

此时正值隆冬,刚好下了一场大雪,给大地披上了一层银装。In the depth of winter, the earth was draped with a cloak of snow.

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隆冬结冰期较长,异常寒冷,于是,这里就诞生了冰灯艺术的奇葩。In winter, the ice period is longer, which brings on ice art there.

但是现在正值隆冬,我们这边的数目还是20,对方却增加到150。But now, in the heart of winter, there are 20 of us and 150 of them.

玫瑰必要特殊的帮衬以便它们可以活过隆冬。Roses need speciing care so th support they can live through winter.

时值隆冬,天气严寒,彤云密布。It was the dead of winter, severely cold. Dense clouds covered the sky.

时入隆冬,一场突如其来的暴风雪过后,气温陡然下降。It's midwinter, after a suddenly snowstorm, air temperature is fallen once.

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在跨阿拉斯加输油管道上,隆冬天气里的幻日融合成了一个围绕太阳的光环。Above the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun.

走过了雪白的隆冬,嫩绿的新春,火红的盛夏,又到了那金黄的秋天。Gone through a snow-white winter, verdant spring, red for summer, but also to those golden autumn.

2009至2010年隆冬的大幅降雪增加了这一地区的春季洪水发生的风险。Heavy snows in the region during the winter of 2009–2010 heightened the risk of springtime floods.

隆冬的太阳也似乎怕起冷来,穿了很厚很厚的衣服,热气就散发不出来了。The winter sun seems to fear from the cold, very thick clothes to wear, heat is not distributed out.

隆冬,积雪覆盖大地,贫苦的小男孩不出门,滑着雪橇去拾柴。Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on a sled.

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画里背景都黑布隆冬的,脸上表情都跟受尽了折磨似的,必是提香。If the images have a dark background and everyone has tortured expressions on their faces, it's Titian.

那是隆冬的一天,放学后我仍然留在学校,因为要参加舞蹈演出的一次排练。It was in the middle of winter and I was staying after school to rehearse for a dance production I was in.

隆冬的太阳似乎也怕起冷来,穿了一件很厚很厚的衣裳,热气就散布出来了。The winter sun also seem to be afraid of the cold, wearing a very thick thick clothes, heat was spread out.