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在很多药膳中都冰糖的身影。Many in the Diet have seen crystal sugar.

晚宴著名的药膳。Enjoy the famous Medicinal Food for dinner tonight.

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在肝病诊治中,营养药膳是否扮演重要角色?。Do Nutraceuticals Have a Role in Managing Liver Disease?

西光约请了一位美食家到药膳坊品味。West light invited a gourmet to medicinal food fang taste.

向南的药膳馆开业了,可是味道不好。To the south of medicinal food hall opened, but tastes bad.

他目前开了一家卤味店,要做药膳。He is now opened a braised food store, to do medicinal food.

当归还可与其他食物一起制成药膳。Angelica still can make officinal board together with other edibles.

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曾在2001年和2002年两次担任全国药膳烹饪大赛评判工作。In 2001 and 2002 two of the medicated food cooking contest judged work.

冰糖蒸梨是清肺、化痰、止咳的中国传统药膳。Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung, dissolving phlegm and arresting cough.

所以炮制技术也可应用于烹饪现代的药膳料理。Medicine processing skills are also applicable in medicative diet cooking in modern cuisine.

“诚信是我们的品牌”,皇家药膳酒楼全体员工热忱期待着您的光临!Sincerity is our brand. The staff of Royal Medicated Hotel cordially welcome your patronage.

药膳是一种兼有药物功效和食品美味的特殊膳食。Herbal cuisine is a special dietary cuisine which combines the effect of medicines and de taste of foods.

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枸杞子则是滋补肝肾的佳品,也是美容药膳中常用的原料。Medlar is to share and nourish liver and kidney, but also the raw materials commonly used in cosmetic Diet.

同时由药膳用药引申出的一系列问题亦正引起学术界与有关方面的关注和重视。Some problems caused by the medicated diets, have been recognized in the academe and other fields concerned.

龟苓膏是历史悠久的梧州传统药膳,相传最初是清宫中专供皇帝食用的名贵药物。The paste is a long history of traditional herbs in Wuzhou, legend for the first Qing emperor to eat expensive secondary drugs.

这道传达至今的清宫御用药膳,传说是太医特地为慈禧研制的丰胸秘方。This message has the Qing Road, Queens Diet, the legend is the imperial doctor Empress developed specifically for breast recipe.

中国药膳是传统宝贵文化遗产之一,也是中医养生学的重要内容。Chinese medicated diet is the traditional one of the valuable cultural heritage is also an important content of Chinese health study.

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由于药膳可以通过精细的烹调制成,这种特殊的美味可口的良药深受百姓,特别是女性的喜爱。As it is relatively easy to cook medicated foods at home, the special and delicious medicine is quite popular, especially among women.

冷方南等主编,中华临床药膳食疗学,第一版,北京人民卫生出版社,1993。Leng Fangnan, ed. Clinical Study on Chinese Medicinal Diet and Food Therapy 1st edition. Beijing People's Medical Publishing House, 1993.

而当中有很多菜肴,包括鱼翅和燕窝,都被人们深信着有相当高的营养价值,而被称为“药膳”。And many of these dishes are so called medicinal dishes believed to have extraordinary nutritional value, including Shark Fin, Swallow Nest.