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在第一天,光明与黑暗分界。On day one, light and dark are separated.

两省以河流分界。The two provinces are demarcated by a river.

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美国东部可以俄亥俄河为分界。The eastern U. S. can be divided by the Ohio River.

至于我的事业,我还没有看到特别的分界点。As for my career, I haven't got a specific cut-off point.

在我的意识中,这个时候是上半年和下半年的分界点。In my consciousness, this is the cut-off point of a year.

对混凝土梁与板的计算分界进行一些相关的探讨。The computing boundary of concrete beam and board is dis.

作者承认这些定义的分界点设得“过低”。These cutoff points were, the authors admitted, “quite low.”

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富人和穷人之间有一道语言分界。There is a linguistic divide between the have’s and have-nots.

这包括所有的分界符,保留字以及关键字。This includes all the delimiters, reserved words and keywords.

而界标呢是起到标识分界作用的标志。And a boundary marker serves as a symbol of the demarcation line.

肾上极正常,皮、髓质分界清楚。The upper pole is normal and shows good corticomedullary demarcations.

正在爱你的我,快乐与悲伤的分界竟是如此黑白分明。Is I love you, happiness and sadness of separation was so black and white.

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它能保持流体分界面在倾斜的玻璃管中基准线上。It can maintain a fluid interface at a reference line in an inclined glass tube.

同时对具有双分形特性的花岗石双分形分界频率的特点进行了探讨。The character of dividing frequency of granite double fractal is discussed also.

甘孜-理塘断裂带是义敦造山带与雅江褶皱带的分界断裂。Garze-Litang fracture zone separates Yidun orogenic belt from Yajiang folded belt.

他们需要一个敌人,而我则是站在摩尼教的分界点另一边的魔鬼。They needed an enemy and I was the demon on the other side of the Manichean divide.

外膜为浆膜,与黏膜下层分界不明显。The boundary between tunica adventitia which is serosa and submucosa is not obvious.

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大赛不存在通过或是不通过的分数分界点,也不会有一个数字形式的分数。There is no passing or failing cut-off score, nor will numerical scores be assigned.

表、真皮分界明显,真皮胶原纤维束细而疏。It had epidermis and dermis separately, which collagen bundle were thin by histology.

农作地区与山区的分界基本是西北-东南走向。The boundary between agricultural land and mountain runs roughly northwest-southeast.