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这个商店附设了一个早晚服务部。This store has set up an after-hours department.

这个学院附设一所中学。There is a middle school attached to the institute.

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双拉炼设计,上盖附设手抽,内盖设有透明格仔袋。Double zipper design handle on the cover in side pocket.

附设于AEC行业百分点给思想和展示服务。Attached ppt for AEC industry to give ideas and show services.

附近有附设赌场或者中餐厅的旅馆吗?Are there any hotels around with a casino or a Chinese restaurant?

厂牌及附设的负载量告示也是典型的奥的斯款式。The brand badge and the accompanying capacity sign are also typical of OTIS.

恒载包括站房内部、上部及附设其上的一切东西。The dead loads include everything in, on, or attached to the station building.

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附设刹车垫防止货物装卸时登车桥移位。The attached brake pad can protect the year ramp from shift while loading & unloading.

附设液压夹持器,并配以手动御扣装置,使拆御钻杆更方便。Equipped with hydraulic holder and hand powered unscrewer, to untighen the drill rod easily.

少女峰车站内附设餐厅、邮局、研究站、电影院、商店等。The Jungfrau station provides restaurant, post office, research station, cinema, shop and so on.

军市是附设于军营附近,为满足军队生活需要而设置的特殊市场。Military markets, located near to barbacks, were special markets to meet the daily needs of soldiers.

整机喷淋式润滑,附设机油自动平衡装置。The whole machine undergoes the ray lubrication and is equi ed with engine oil automatic balance facilities.

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门庭若市之后,可能会门可罗雀。宾馆附设的酒吧最靠得住,可是要论“开心乐翻天”,非“酒吧周冠军”莫属!The most reliable are those in hotels but the flavour-of-the-week places can generate the most high-rolling fun.

从接待室一端的一个门口,可以看见附设的理发室,放着一排排的椅子和修脸用的水杯。One could see through a door at one end of the lobby to the barber-shop, with its chairs and array of shaving-mugs.

廉价望远镜附设可扭上目镜的太阳滤镜也是不安全的。Solar filters designed to thread into eyepieces that are often provided with inexpensive telescopes are also unsafe.

被怀疑涉案的,还包括嘉义大学附设的试验场,校方赶紧自清。One of the labs to come under suspicion is run by National Chiayi University. School officials denied any wrongdoing.

“法官后语”是附设在裁判文书规范化格式之后的一段评述性文字。The "postscript by the judge" means a passage of commentary attached behind to the standard form of a juridical document.

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附设职业类科之班级数,学生人数及毕业生人数,均分别计列于本表各栏内,并合并计入本表各该总计栏内。No. of classes, students and graduates of vocational schools affiliated to senior high schools are included in this table.

结束了佛堂的早课,万佛城附设中、小学的学生准备回教室上「正课」。After a morning service, students at the middle and primary schools affiliated with the Sagely City return to the classroom.

本宾馆附设音乐酒吧,环境优美,格调高雅,是您休息和娱乐的好地方。Our hotel has set up a music Bar in an elegant style and Beautiful surroundings. It is a good place for rest and recreation.