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很多都是真人真事。They have so much variety.

不仅仅是真事,而是我的真人真事。Not the truth, but my truth.

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看来真人真事的电视节目已成为风潮。It looks like reality TV shows are here to stay.

无论您相信与否,爱德华·墨菲的确是真人真事。Believe it or not, Edward J Murphy was a real person.

这些电影讲的都是真人真事。All these movies are about one person and real people.

他的辩论是以事实为根据的。这个故事是真人真事。His argument is based on facts. The story is about a real man.

人们应该只读那些描写真人真事的书籍吗?Should people read only those books that deal with real matters?

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根据谢旺霖同名畅销小说改编,真人真事为蓝本。According to Xie Wanglin's best-selling novel, based on the reality.

这是一个近几天在俄罗斯发生的真人真事。That's a real story of a real person, happening these days in Russia.

电视新闻在报导死人复活及神迹医治等真人真事。Television news reporters are broadcasting stories of resurrections and miracle healings.

曾经当过保镖的人总有一大堆号称真人真事的传说可以在饭桌上传播。Former bodyguards always have a stock of true-life tales for deployment at the dinner table.

其间,导演跟我说了一个真人真事,我听了之后,大为感动和兴奋。The director told me this real life story and after I heard it I was very touched and excited.

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这是部根据真人真事改编的电影,描述第一位登上世界第一高峰的盲人的故事。This is a true story based on the story of the first blind person who climbed the Mt. Everest.

真人真事改编,讲述了南非大盗安德利·斯坦德的生平。The actual events reorganized, narrated the South African thief Anderle · Stender"s biography."

他创作的作品大都以真人真事为素材,在读者中享有很高的声誉。His writings were based on the real people and real things and had a high prestige in the readers.

马术史诗电影「沙漠骑兵」改编自真人真事,主角为冒险犯难的西部牛仔法兰克霍普金斯和他的骏马希道勾。The horse epic "Hidalgo" is based on the real-life adventures of cowboy Frank T. Hopkins and his steed Hidalgo.

以描写真人真事为主的传记文学是否可以进行艺术加工?回答是肯定的。Can the biographical literature mainly describing actual person and event have artistic treatment? The answer is affirmative.

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小说的故事发生在一个被哈珀•李称为梅岗的小镇上。但她却是根据她成长历程中的真人真事来塑造角色的。The story takes place in a town that Harper Lee called Maycomb. But she based the characters on real people she knew growing up.

好的作品应该是源于生活并且高于生活的,因此我希望可以将周围生活中的真人真事情融入到我的绘本插画作品中。Good works should come from life and go beyond life, so I hope to place real people and real events into my drawing illustration works.

没有特定的演员,没有特定的广告剧本对白,健力士希望通过真人真事,真情流露的广告来体现自己与消费者之间的近在咫尺的关系,是他们的生活良伴。No specific actors, no specific ad play dialogue, Kleenex wants to show its close relationship with the consumers with the ad of telling true story by true people.