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鼓励幽默。Encourage humour.

我们鼓励这样。We encourage this.

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他需要打打气,需要鼓励。He needs a pep talk.

他鼓励他们反省。He urges introspection.

但是要接受他们的鼓励。But be inspired by them.

想鼓励团队合作?Want to foster teamwork?

一种鼓励的意义。A sense of encouragement.

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鼓励参与。Encourages participation.

表扬是一种精神鼓励。Praise is a mental tonic.

我们都需要鼓励。We all need encouragement.

我们鼓励您申请。We encourage you to apply.

他鼓励我去取得令人目眩的成功。He stayed me to make a hit.

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他对我说了许多鼓励的话。He said a lot to hearten me.

我决定去鼓励他。I resolved to encourage him.

鼓励企业提档升级。Encourage industry upgrading.

他给了赛蒙一个鼓励的微笑。He gave an encouraging smile.

你是怎样鼓励自己的?How do you encourage yourself?

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他每次摔倒,我都这样鼓励他。I told him every time he fell.

缺乏上司的鼓励。Lack of reanimation from boss.

IBM日本鼓励灵活工作时间。IBM Japan encourages flexitime.