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史密斯先生是位优秀的声乐家。Mr. Smith is an excellent vocalist.

斯蒂芬先生是位优秀的声乐家。Mr. Steffen is an excellent vocalist.

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流行乐一般有声乐部分?Pop music tends to have a vocal part?

佩里对女声乐歌手很着迷。Perry is very fond of female vocalists.

这个康塔塔有个难度很大的声乐总谱。The cantata has a difficult vocal score.

流行乐通常有声乐部分,为什么?Pop music tends to have a vocal part.Why?

然后,我得步行去上声乐课。Then, I have to walk to my singing class.

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合唱是集体的声乐表演艺术。Chorus is a collective vocality performing art.

声乐艺术成就奖廖昌永。Arts Achievement Award of Vocality Liao Changyong.

她不只代表了意大利声乐的极致,在歌剧世界内外,都是名伶中的天后。In the opera world and beyond, she was the diva of divas.

而此音乐家又请了一位声乐家将之唱出来。And the musician had also asked a singer to sing the song.

这个康塔塔有个难度很大的声乐总谱。The music of the song has been rearranged for the cantata.

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如何演唱陈鹏年教授的声乐作品?How do we sing the vocal music works of Pro. Chen Pengnian?

美声唱法成了中国声乐教学的蓝本。It is the blueprint of the teaching of vocal music in China.

混声唱法对声乐学习者声乐演唱水平的提高至关重要。Mixed chorus is vital for learners to improve their singing.

分为声乐和器乐两大部门。Vocal and instrumental music is divided into two departments.

在声乐教学中发声练习必须放在首位。Vocalization should play a primary role in vocality teaching.

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佩里·科摩是美国最受欢迎的声乐家吗?And is Perry Como one of the most American popular vocalists ?

第二章,三组声乐套曲的音乐分析。Chapter II, three groups of vocal music divertimento analysis.

甚至还有声乐训练。You might even have some music training or something like that.