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这或许可以解释为什么伦勃朗标新立异的基督像从未大红大紫。Maybe that’s why Rembrandt’s new Jesus never caught on.

若干年后果然大红大紫。Several years later, she gets very popular as expected.

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认为从此可大红大紫的罗拉迷掉了本人。Think from was Laura fan can be bright red off himself.

他离阿谁大红大紫的明星梦似乎越来越远。He who was from or ed star dreams seem increasingly far.

一两个环节的成功不会让杰克罗德威尔在日本大红大紫,也不会让中国人都来模仿杰克威尔希尔的发型。Jack Wilshere's haircut will never be mimicked by the Chinese.

她已是国内大红大紫的歌星了。She has become one of the most popular singers in the country.

在他大红大紫之前,他来这里拍电视剧,before he became really big when he was here in town doing his TV show,

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但BY乐队并未变得大红大紫,继而很快就解散了。But BY did not get progress past being a warm-up band and soon broke up.

伍皮·戈德堡是美国影坛和舞台上的一位大红大紫的喜剧女演员。Whoopi Goldberg is a very successful American comedy actress in films and on stage.

换句话说,我的脚指头没有因此变得“大红大紫”。In other words, my toenails weren't turning all purple and falling off because of this.

事实是,在这个领域极少数人才能大红大紫。The low earnings here is probably due to the fact that so few in this field hit it big.

辣妹们真正大红大紫是在市场销售上。Where the Spice Girls really, really came into their own was in marketing and merchandising.

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大部分潮男都火不久。在一小段时期内他们大红大紫,但此后你便再也听不到他们的消息了。Most It guys don't last. They're only hot for a short time, and then you never hear about them again.

这位昔日美偶冠军,如今大红大紫的乡村女歌手将和现役曲棍球运动员迈克费舍在七月十日喜结连理!Carrie Underwood will tie the knot with pro hockey player Mike Fisher on July 10, according to Life &Style.

2001年卡勒德“心灵之声”的宣传片让他在荧屏上“大红大紫”,也让他标志性的富有现代化色彩的稳健有度的传教士形象走红一时。In 2001 Mr Khaled burst onto screens with his show "Words from the Heart" and his brand of modern, moderate piety.

如果,当我们的艺术丢失了思想和问题,失去了立场和勇气,难道今日大红大紫的艺术还有勇气说自己是艺术吗?If our art loses thought and questions, stance and courage, can our glamorous art have the guts to call itself art?

即使没有获奖的现如今也大红大紫,比如珍妮佛·哈德森身兼歌星影星,并获奥斯卡。Even those who don't win have been successful. Jennifer Hudson became a singing star and actor who won an Academy Award.

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遗忘是施泰因费尔德第一演播室,因为她的大红大紫的协议,并让我有点惊讶它这么长的时间。Forgotten is the first studio deal for Steinfeld since her breakthrough role, and I'm a little surprised it's taken this long.

然而与这两位早已大红大紫的同学比起来,廖凡则是将时间都花在寻找真正令自己感兴趣的角色上。But compared with them, who both became popular at an early age, Liao took his time, looking for parts that he was really interested in.

即使在过去她无从知晓自己是否能大红大紫的时候,安定下来、生宝宝这些事情也一直就在佩里的计划之中。Settling down and having kids was always part of Perry's plan, even back in the days when she wasn't sure she would be a tremendous success.