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“去掉独角兽,”我斩钉截铁的说。“No unicorns,” I said firmly.

“那还用说,”理发师斩钉截铁地说。"Without a doubt, " the barber asserted.

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“上帝告诉我的。”他斩钉截铁地说,打算厚着脸皮挨过去。"God told me, " he asserted, brazening it out.

在东南亚,答案是斩钉截铁的“是”。The answer in Southeast Asia is definitely "yes".

他斩钉截铁地回答对方的问题。He answered the other side's questions categorically.

这人斩钉截铁的口吻使他冷彻骨髓。The definiteness of the man chilled him to the marrow.

“不,”狄克斩钉截铁地说,“我从来没有想到过她们。”No, " said Dick, stoutly , "They come not in my mind. "

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我说的是裤长三尺三,人家斩钉截铁地说没有。I said that the beverage is three long pants, they categorically said no.

“他是一位无比聪明的绅士。”霍尔太太斩钉截铁地说,“巴里太太也一样。”"He is a most clever man, " said Mrs Hall with finality, "and Mrs Barry's the same. "

但我将永远感到自己的肮脏,永远无法斩钉截铁地说我做了一辈子的好人。But I’ll never feel clean and I’ll never be able to assert that I have been a good man all my life.

他斩钉截铁地说了,但他感觉得到自己的指尖上和胳肢窝底下有一阵由疑虑引起的轻微颤栗。He spoke confidently, but he could fell little shivers of doubt in his fingertips and under his armpits.

兢兢业业的布罗基是一名斩钉截铁的中场指挥官,但是离开米兰这件事却让他很难抉择。The hard working Brocchi is a no-nonsense midfield general, but his departure from Milan was a difficult one.

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母亲不喜欢儿子在外夜宿不归,所以她斩钉截铁地禁止他再那样做。The mother didn't like her son staying out at night, so she put her foot down and forbade him to do it again.

不过,当问及胡戈·查韦斯总统治下的委内瑞拉经济形势时,佩雷拉女士的话却斩钉截铁。Ms. Pereira expressed no uncertainty, however, when asked about the Venezuelan economy under President Hugo Chávez.

官方的说法显然还不够有说服力。上周,“股神”沃伦·巴菲特斩钉截铁地说,不会有双谷衰退期。In less obtuse language last week, Warren Buffett stated in unequivocal terms that there will be no double dip recession.

彭杰是一个胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、声调和态度是斩钉截铁和春风迎人两种气概的完美混杂物。This Benjy was a young, clean-shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality.

首先,作者斩钉截铁地将罪责归咎于Durant市长,仅仅因为他批准了大桥的建造这一行为本身。First of all, the author squarely places blame on Mayor Durant for the simple act of approving the construction of the bridge.

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我倒记起一位长者,他曾经斩钉截铁地表示,假如他的婚姻失败,那一定全是他的责任。I do recall an elder, though, who vehemently made clear that if his marriage were to fail, it would be all his responsibility.

她斩钉截铁地表示,射杀事件是由一名叫克里斯•艾弗森拍摄到的,当时他正在随着巡防队在公园内巡逻。She was adamant that the killing was videotaped by a cameraman named Chris Everson as he accompanied scouts on patrol in the park.

她随即补充一句,语调由甜蜜暧昧变得斩钉截铁明白无误,并彻底摧毁我的一厢情愿。She instantly added, changing her sweet and ambiguous tone into a categorical and clear one, completely destroying my wishful thinking.