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她给我写了一封用象形图案写的信。She hieroglyphed a letter to me.

学学梵文或象形文吧。Learn Sanskrit or hieroglyphics instead.

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水瓶座和双子座,天秤座一样都是风象形作。Aquarius is an air sign, like Gemini and Libra.

象形拳的一种,是福建地方拳种。A pictographic boxing is Fujian Province in the boxing.

把中国的汉字演变成为象形的世界。The pictographic Chinese characters evolved into the world.

“囧”作为汉字中的一员,以象形为构字法,具有相时稳定的意义。"Jiong", as a pictographic Chinese character, has a relatively stable meaning.

挂钩象形为猫须、蟹爪、蜂翅、熊猫肢等。The hooks can be shaped as cat whiskers, crab claws, bee fins, panda limbs, etc.

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文章提出了一种新的提取商标图象形状特征的算法。In this paper, a new method for extracting shape features of trade-marks is presented.

说到价格俗话说“纹石象形,价格要命。”The price is as the saying goes, "said wen stone pictographic, price is killing me. ""

在20世纪70年代,一种海象形胡子在土耳其左翼分子中成为了一种流行的附件。In the 1970s, a walrus-style mustache became apopularaccessory among Turkey's leftists.

它使中国的象形文字彻底从象形化走向抽象化、符号化。It makes Chinese pictograph completely evolve from image to abstractness and symbolization.

而众多的峰丛、象形山石等为B级地质遗迹景观。Large numbers of peak clusters and pictographic rocks rank B level in geological vestige landscape.

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在现实中,大多数时间象形文学被用于相当无害的题字或历史的描述。In reality, most of the time hieroglyphs were used for innocuous inscriptions or historical depictions.

注意该象形图案里第二个太阳之下的显著的十字,即天空中红色十字的形状。Note the significant cross under the Second Sun in the pictogram , the shape of a Red Cross in the sky.

经过发展之后汉字在象形的基础上又发展出了其他的造字方法。After its development, other methods of word-formation were developed based on the hieroglyphical characters.

从泥版楔形文到象形文铭文,早期各种书法体系绝大部分都与语音相分离。From bureaucratic cuneiform to monumental hieroglyphs, early writing systems were mostly divorced from speech.

从甲骨文发展到现在的楷体,原来的象形字,实际上已经失去了象形的意义,成了单纯的书写符号。As a matter of fact, the pictographic scripts have lost their original features and become pure written symbols.

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对年夜脑和长效影象形成进程的研究表现,一再敌手艺培育长短常主要的。Studies of the brain and long-term memory formation show that repetition is very important to skill development.

研究者们曾从这三位统治者留下的冗长象形文本中破解出了玛雅文字。The three rulers also commissioned lengthy glyphic texts, which researchers have used to tease apart Maya script.

作为一种古老的象形表意文字,汉字的特性与欧洲拼音文字迥然有别。As a kind of old ideogram, the characteristics of Chinese character is different from European alphabetic writing.