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我从未读过詹姆士国王钦定白勺圣经英译本。I have never read the King James version of the Bible.

然而,犹他教会却宁可使用英王詹姆斯一世钦定的圣经英译本。The church in Utah, however, prefers the King James Version.

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以下是由詹姆斯国王钦定的滴24节They followed verse 24, which in the King James version reads

他说,迪斯卡的错误可能是受詹姆斯国王钦定版英译圣经独有的特点的误导。Wells says Ditka's error probably came from a peculiar feature of the King James Bible.

他说,迪斯卡的错误可能是受詹姆斯国王钦定版英译圣经独有的特点的误导。Wells says Ditka’s error probably came from a peculiar feature of the King James Bible.

有一种假设认为,金正日钦定继承人的沟通讨论陷入僵局。One assumption is that Mr Kim is locked in negotiations over the anointing of his successor.

你的iPhone中就可能安装了很多提供阅读几种版本圣经的免费应用程序,其中就包括钦定英译本圣经。Several free apps can put the whole King James Bible, along with many other versions, on your iPhone.

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但希望大家不要用旧译本,比如钦定版圣经,或者天主教杜威版。I don't want you to use the old translations, such as the King James Version,or the Catholic Douay Version.

英皇钦定本将第18节的「叫那受压制的得自由」,译为「医治那心灵破碎的人」。The words in verse 18 "to release the oppressed" are translated in the KJV as "to heal the broken-hearted".

钦定英译本圣经的语言,时刻回响在文学作品中,使我们认定它是理所当然的。The locutions of the King James Bible echo through our literature so pervasively that we often take them for granted.

这一划时代的事工,成为后来马丁路德版德文圣经、丁道尔版英文圣经、英皇钦定本圣经的依据。This landmark work was the basis for the later publication of Luther's German Bible, Tyndale's English Bible, and the King James Version.

乾隆皇帝在位期间,亲自规范满语并发上谕加以推行,此即“钦定新清语”。During Qianlong s reign, he standardized Manchu in person and put forward orders to spread out, which is called "New Qing Language by Imperial Order".

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此外,有人将伪圣经的流传归咎于詹姆斯国王,更确切的说是詹姆斯国王钦定版英译圣经的没落。Others blame the spread of phantom Bible passages on King James, or more specifically the declining popularity of the King James translation of the Bible.

据说,金正日在去年被报道身患中风之后,将他三个儿子中最小的金正云钦定为自己的接班人和“聪明的同志”。He is thought to have finally annointed the youngest of his three sons Kim Jong-un as his heir and "Brilliant Comrade", following his reported stroke last year.

而伏虎罗汉是十八罗汉中的第十八位,即是「弥勒尊者」,他是在清朝由乾隆皇帝钦定的。But the crouching tiger arhat is in eighteen lohans 18th, is Maitreya religion revering, he is in the Qing Dynasty by Emperor Qianlong ordered by the emperor personally.

英国牛津大学钦定讲座教授克利斯朵夫•派林把新发现的著作描述为“学者们已经梦想了几个世纪的核心文本”。Christopher Pelling, Regius Professor of Greek at the University of Oxford, described the new works as "central texts which scholars have been speculating about for centuries".

与西方普遍将邬金钦列多杰看作是达赖喇嘛钦定的衣钵传人明显不同,印度政府极力限制邬金钦列多杰的活动范围。In a striking contrast to Western perception of Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the adored heir apparent to the Dalai Lama, the Indian government actively restricts his movements as well.

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如果你用的旧版本的翻译,比如钦定版圣经,有人有吗,19节是怎么翻的?If you use an older translation,like the King James Version, anybody else have--what do you have for 19, "To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor," anybody have a different translation?

罗塞夫曾在卢拉政府中担任能源部长,2005年被擢升为总统府民事办公室主任,成为卢拉的“左膀右臂”,并最终被卢拉“钦定”为接班人。Rousseff served as energy minister and then President Lula's chief of staff in 2005. After lending a helping hand to the president for years, Rousseff was handpicked by Lula to run for his succession.