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他非常喜欢文体活动。He's very fond of sport.

他的文体很明畅。His style is very lucid.

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他的文体缺乏变化。His writing lacks variety.

言词冗赘的演讲者、讲话、文体。A verbose speaker, speech, style.

不同文体的板书设计各不相同。Various styles ask for different designs.

楹联可称之为“二元结构”文体。Couplets may be called "dual structure" style.

我不喜欢他写作中冗赘的文体。I dont like the diffuse style of his writings.

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所以另一条讯息是文体。This also tells you what literary form this is.

一种将简单的文体译成密码的装置。A device for translating plain text into cipher.

论说文体的,散文的,小品文作者的或与之相关的。Of or relating to an essay or a writer of essays.

简洁是他的文体的特色。Terseness or succinctness of style or expression.

律赋是唐代的新文体,其名大概出自唐五代之际。Lüfu is a new literary form of the Five Dynasties.

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修辞在广告文体中起着重要作用。Rhetoric plays ani m-portant role in advertisement.

文学通常表现为用散文体或韵文体所写的文字形式。Literature usually takes the form of prose or verse.

自传是一种多么奇怪的文体!What an odd discipline autobiography turns out to be.

典型的合同范本在一些文体书中都可能找到。Typical forms of contracts can be found in form books.

老诗人抨击了现代文体的平庸无奇。The old poet decried the mediocrity of today's writing.

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一个人的文体常被他的“文学爱人”所藻饰。A man's style is always colored by his "literary lover."

他的作品深受古典文体的影响。His writings were deeply subjected to the classical style.

郁达夫作品的突出特色之一,就是自叙传的文体。One feature of YU Dafus works is the autobiographic style.