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这些人将操作苏联标准的支架重机枪。These guys will handle the soviet standard lafette HMG.

图中为设置在高射机枪架的多管重机枪。This is a multi-barrel heavy machine gun on an anti-aircraft mount.

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他们的一挺重机枪正好可以俯视我们的壕沟,甚至整个磨坊。They had a heavy machine gun just above our trench, on that very mill.

吉普车加装了.30和.50两种口径的“博朗宁”重机枪。The jeep is armed with Browning machine guns, both . 30 and . 50 caliber.

美国人用重机枪和榴弹发射器回击。The Americans returned fire with heavy machine guns and grenade launchers.

一架没有三脚架的重机枪是毫无作用的。A heavy machinegun without a tripod to put it on is functionally worthless.

但是,已经侦察到了配备了重机枪和步兵火炮的苏军士兵。Russian soldiers with heavy machine guns and infantry cannons had been detected.

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报道称军方出动了狙击枪、重机枪及迫击炮。Reports say they have confronted sniper fire, heavy machine guns and even mortar rounds.

在马尔贾的美国和阿富汗部队在零星火箭弹和重机枪火力下前进。US and Afghan troops in Marjah come under sporadic rocket fireand heavy machine-gun fire.

在马尔贾的美国和阿富汗部队在零星火箭弹和重机枪火力下前进。US and Afghan troops in Marjah come under sporadic rocket fire and heavy machine-gun fire.

尽管敌人开始方寸大乱,但他的重机枪一击迫击炮攻击仍然不容小觑。Although the enemy began to chaos, but hes a heavy blow mortar attacks are still to be reckoned with.

安装了重型武器的皮卡和手持重机枪的士兵也在战斗。Install heavy-duty pickup trucks and armed with heavy machine guns, weapons and soldiers are fighting.

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中国军队配备的重机枪则主要是根据德国图纸制造出的水冷式马克逊机枪,平均每个营可以配上一挺,一般步兵的标准配置则是7.63毫米M1932型半自动毛瑟手枪。On average every battalion would get one HMG. The standard sidearm was the 7.63 mm Mauser M1932 semi-automatic pistol

因为周六晚上的演出,四处可见手持重机枪的士兵。还有对观众的安全检查。For Saturday night's show the venue was ringed with soldiers carrying machine guns. There were security checks for the audience.

随后,激进分子与安全力量交火,双方均使用了重机枪和火箭推进榴弹。Afterwards, militants exchanged fire with security forces with both sides using heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades.

他决定只带走最少的东西,他手下的重武器连只带走了两门81毫米迫击炮和六挺重机枪。He decided to go very light, taking only two 81mm mortars and six heavy machine guns as supporting weapons from his Weapons Company.

差不多一年之后,包括他在内的17人受命前去伏击一个守卫德国铁路的营地,那里有重机枪把守。About a year later, he was one of 17 men designated to sneak around and take out a fortified machine-gun encampment guarding a German railroad.

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王军表示至于这些“子弹”是冲锋枪、手枪,还是重机枪的“子弹”,要择机而定。As Wang Jun said that these "bullets" are sub-machine guns, pistols, heavy machine guns or the "bullet", it is necessary to choose the right may be.

轻巧但坚固的车身使“先驱者”灵活而且快速,为参与战斗它通常装备有适量的武器,例如一架重机枪或一座火箭发射器。Lightly built but robust, they are agile and fast, and in combat service usually fitted with medium weaponry such as a heavy stubber or rocket launcher.

悍马反映了一种似乎相当有理的长期信念,就是任何你能想像到的东西,只要往它顶上装个重机枪就会被人看作很酷了。The Hummer reflected a sustained and reasonably plausible belief that anything you could imagine mounting a heavy machine gun on top of would be considered cool.