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醒醒,哦鸣钟,快报时。Awake, O bell! proclaim the hour.

多套作品被都市快报刊登。Sets of works published by the Metropolitan Express.

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派氏新闻社,插播一新闻快报,安公主刻正拜访伦敦。Paramount News brings you special coverage of Princess Ann's visit to London.

据都市快报报道,广东东莞许多医院遭遇艾滋病感染者的勒索。According to Urban Express reported that the Guangdong Dongguan hospital suffered much extortion AIDS.

其他真色彩和伪色图像可以从MODIS快报小组那里得到。Additional true- and false-color imagery of this region is available from the MODIS Rapid Response Team.

欢迎访问英洛瓦的油田服务快报网页,浏览公司产品最新服务动态。Welcome to the INOVA field service bulletin page where you can find the latest service updates for our products.

喝酒伤身的说法也不全对,据英国每日快报报道,科学家发现适量饮酒反而能够强身。According to the Daily Express, researchers have found an alcoholic drink a day can help keep heart disease at bay.

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探析濂是社长热门快报“映射你成功”旨在以因特网置老板。Evelyn Lim is a publisher of the popular newsletter "Mapping You to Success" aimed at the aspiring home based internet business owner.

如果您认识这位美丽的女孩,请拨打96060或通过新浪微博发私信给现代快报,告诉我们她是谁。If you know this beautiful girl, please call 96060 or send a private message through Sina Weibo to Modern Express and tell us who she is.

如果您订阅了一份AMD的电子新闻快报或邮件目录,则其中的每件信息中都含有如何从该目录中“退订”的指示。If you sign up for an AMD electronic newsletter ore-mail list, each message will include instructions on how to "unsubscribe" from that list.

但现在看起来,布冯几乎不可能转会到东土军团,因为他在今天接受每日快报采访时否认了这一消息。However, the prospects of Buffon moving to Eastlands appear distinctly unlikely after today's comments in an interview with the Daily Express.

俄罗斯报纸“体育快报”将这一荣誉授予阿尔沙文,俄罗斯体育部长穆特科为他颁奖。He was awarded this distinction by the Russian newspaper "Sport-Express" and was given the award by the Russian Minister of Sport Vitaly Mutko.

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2008年3月发给格兰特研究对象的通讯快报的访谈报道中,韦兰特被问到,“你从格兰特研究的对象们身上学到了什么?。In an interview in the March 2008 newsletter to the Grant Study subjects, Vaillant was asked, "What have you learned from the Grant Study men?"

“我们要为将来做好准备必须要做的是在球员们不断成长中将他们培养成下一拨一线队的球员。”他对每日快报补充道。"What we have to do a good job of for the future is create the next first team of players as they come through, " he added in the Daily Express.

据每日快报报导,调查所获结论是希普曼在悬壶三十年期间杀害约三百名病患,每日电讯报指称精确数字是二百九十七人。According to the daily newspaper The Express, the inquiry concludes that shipman murdered about 300 patients during his 30 years of medical career.

健全灾情信息快报、核报工作机制和灾害信息沟通、会商、通报制度。It will improve the mechanisms of prompt news release, check on disaster damage, and the work on information exchange, consultation and announcement.

据英国每日快报报道,瑞典的一家公司近日成功将人体体温转化成了建筑供暖新能源。According to report in the Daily Express, a Swedish company has decided to collect human body heat as a heating source to keep down soaring energy costs.

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该模型结果与预期的几十年的时间一致。胡洛的研究小组将在地球物理研究发表快报。The model's predictions remained consistent over this range of values for no more than a few decades, Hulot's team will report in Geophysical Research Letters.

每日快报声称曼城官员不会把斯内德作为他们近期计划的一部分,鉴于从国米挖走所涉及的费用。The Daily Express claims City officials have insisted Sneijder does not form part of their immediate plans given the costs involved in prising him away from Inter.

审阅、批准所有的经营日报表、月报表、财务总监自查报告和每月收入快报。To sign, signifying his inspection and approval of, all daily reports of operations, monthly reports, Director of Finance's check list report and monthly flash report.