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我没有秩序,我处于深深的失序中。I have no order, I am in deep disorder.

而如今存在的失序,是因为有划分。Now there is disorder because there is division.

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媒体时代、道德失序、话语重构?。Media Age, Moral Disorder, Discourse Reconstruction?

在我看来,这是社会制度失序,并非某个人。Seem to me that something is out of whack, not someone.

犯罪学家则研究哄抬物价及社会失序的情况。Criminologists studied price-gouging and the breakdown of social order.

欧洲和美国的经济驱动已经失序了,中国走了进来。The European and American economic motors are out of order. China has stepped in.

只有当运作失序时,它才引发痛苦并招徕注视。But when it is also chaotic, it causes pain and suffering and calls for attention.

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这是一个老套甚至也很陈旧的故事,但它又的确是文化失序之时的一种有几分悲凉的古典理想。It is a slick and even old story, but also the classical idea of something desolate.

同时结合乐观机制来克服小概率的时间失序。The optimistic synchronization is used to overcome disorder with little probability.

财团带动汐止发展,但却也打造出失序的汐止都市空间。Fifth, consortiums promote the development of Xizhi, but result in a disorder urban space.

这是美与善之间的协调,抑制一方面会导致另一方面失序。There is a consonance between beauty and goodness and to repress the one is to distort the other.

此书是塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯的代表作,当世界已然失序的时候,你需要自己拯救自己!This book is a masterpiece of Samuel Smiles. As the world is in chaos, you need to survive by yourself.

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当时狂骂那家伙一顿丈母娘强势,专制,因为大华扰乱了生活失序而恼火。Mother-in-law strong trend, despotic, because Dahua harassed the life to lose the foreword, but was annoyed.

但是然后我们继续思考遍及人类意识的普遍失序和困惑。But then, we went on to consider the general disorder and confusion that pervades the consciousness of mankind.

第一次世界大战对欧洲形成毁灭陆的影响,带来强烈的挫折和失序的徬徨。The destructive impact of World War I brought strong sense of failure and disordered uncertainty to the Europe.

正因为人们责任的淡化甚至缺失造成了社会的部分失序。Is positive because people's responsibility downplays imperfection to even result in social of the part lose a preface.

即便建立了民主,系统的罅隙也让人见之心忧,然后民主就随政治失序而幻灭。Even in established democracies, flaws in the system have become worryingly visible and disillusion with politics is rife.

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它在消解与失序中被无休止的复制与模仿,给我们一个无止尽的仿真系列。The culture is duplicated and imitated endlessly in dispensary and disorder, which gives us endlessly simulational series.

汇率过度波动与失序变化,会对经济及金融稳定造成负面的影响。Excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability.

但是,受主客观因素的影响,我国农民政治参与出现了大量失序的情况。However, because of some factors, both objective and subjective, there is a great disorder in farmers' political participation.