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糌粑的黏度和绿豆沙差不多,味道也有点像。It has the consistency of green bean paste.

我妈妈在家炒糌粑,听到了我的歌声。In the house my mother was roasting barley and heard me.

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旅行者通常带来干缩的牛奶、糌粑与茶作为食物。Travelers usually bring dried meat, tsamba , and tea for foods.

如果你需要一些如何搭配你的糌粑帮助,请与我联系哦。If you need some help with how to mix your tsampa, read up with my how-to.

弟子供养了鞋子、衣服、糌粑,并跟随她到果洛传法。He provided shoes, clothes, tsamba to her, allowing her to travel on to Golok.

桑娜转过头来,对老人说,“来吧,我们只有这块糌粑了,你拿去吧!”" Sanna turned, said to the old man, " come on, we have only this line, you can take it!

藏餐中有代表性的是烧羊、牛肉、糌粑、酥油茶和青棵酒。Tibetan meal is a representative sample of burning sheep, beef, Zanba, green tea and wine trees.

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藏餐中有代表性的是烧羊、牛肉、糌粑、酥油茶和青棵酒。Tibetan meal is a representative sample of burning sheep, beef , Zanba, green tea and wine trees.

进食之前,每人先在嘴上沾一点糌粑面,以示自己是吃糌粑的子孙。Before eating, each of the first dip in the mouth that Zanba face, to show that they are children and grandchildren to eat Zanba.

尸骨很快就减为小碎块,拌上糌粑面,扔给乌鸦和鹰,这些鸟一直等着轮到它们。The bones are soon reduced to splinters, mixed with barley flour and then thrown to crows and hawks, who have been waiting their turn.

应用模糊数学的方法综合评价糌粑感官质量。Adopting fuzzy mathematics, the paper evaluated synthetically the quality of Tibetan parched flour made from different feed proportioning.

当地人的主食是糯米饭,从竹笼中用手捞出,捏实了蘸酱食用,有点像藏族的糌粑。Sticky rice is the main food of them, get the sticky rice from the bamboo and knead to enjoy with sauce, it is just like Zanba of the Tibetan.

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尸体被置于面朝地面,第一刀从背部割下,削下肌肉,卸下四肢,碾碎骨头拌上糌粑面。The first cut falls on the back, then muscles are peeled off and limbs are disjointed from the body. The bones crushed and mixed with tasmpa flour.

同时我还问了他几个与他的日常生活有关的问题,发现他的饮食结构大部分是酥油茶、糌粑和很少一点羊肉。While my fingers and eyes were at work evaluating his condition, I asked him a few questions about his daily habits. His diet consisted mainly of butter tea and Tsampa and a small amount of mutton.