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那只猫对任何响动都很警觉。The cat is alert to every sound and movement.

巴尔多审慎的耳朵是不会放过任何轻微的响动的。Bardo's jealous ear was alive to the slight movement.

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如果湖边有了一丁点儿响动,它们会马上潜入水中。If the lake with a sound, they will dive into the water.

林中风声响动,和海水声极其相似。The wind in the trees made a sound so much like the sea.

一只好猎犬对四周任何响动均甚警觉。A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement around.

我猜他只是听不出他弄出的响动有多大。I'm now wondering if it's just because he can't hear how loud he is.

夜晚,即使是最微弱的响动,都会令她惶惶不安,颤抖个不停。The nights when the faintest sound could leave her shaking in panic.

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但就在这时,我察觉到了,头撞墙的时候,从墙里发出了一些轻微的响动。But when my head made contact with the wall, it produced a hollow thud.

可是它听到老鼠的一点儿响动,又多么尽职。However, it is to hear a little ring of mice, but also how much due diligence.

他突然听到身后有响动便立刻意识到车库里还有人。Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not alone in the garage.

欢喜曾在一天夜里听着隔壁的响动,半晌后听见了杜军吐出一口烟圈的声音。Joy in one night to the next ring, after a hearing Du Jun spits out a smoke ring sound.

可是若把这个做为提振股市而弄出的响动的话,就如同独立日过了一周后,点了一个水泡了的爆竹。As a fuel for stocks, that's got about as much bang as a wet squib a week after the Fourth of July.

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客房里传来响动,玻璃瓶如地震般的的摇晃声。Something sounding like an earthquake occurred in the guest bedroom, bottle shaking against bottle.

任何意外的响动都让她惊恐不已,还有飞机起降时,她吓得一直发抖。She is startled by any sudden sound and quivers uncontrollably when the plane is taking off and landing.

傍晚我们在闪烁的篝火边用餐,听见树林里有沙沙的响动时就大声唱歌。By evening we dined by the flickering light of our campfire and sang when we heard rustling in the woods.

每次我把车停到车库里的时候,不管麦奇在做什么,一听到响动,他就飞也似的奔来迎接我。As soon as Munchie hears my car pull up to the garage, he drops whatever he is doing and zooms to meet me.

从台湾萍蓬草釉绿叶片上的水色,彷佛可以听见夏季午后雷阵雨的响动。During summer, the green leaves of the yellow water lily seem to echo the thunders of the afternoon shower.

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胃里差不多装满了各样的水,有时候里面会轻轻的响,像骡马似的喝完水肚子里光光光的响动。His stomach chock-full of water was gurgling a little, like the belly of a horse or mule when it has drunk its fill.

那种响动持续了五分钟,咳嗽声和呼吸声停止了,一切归于平静,死亡的平静。It lasted about five minutes, and then the sound of cough and breath stopped. There was only silence—deathly silence.

星期天一切都是安安静静的,湖边,我们的房子里也会有一些响动,比如母亲弹奏钢琴和父亲敲打那架老式打字机的声音。Silence, then the Sunday sounds of our house by the lake. My mother playing the piano, my dad's prehistoric Selectric.