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我是一个很有男子气概的人。I'm a very virile man.

这似乎是个相当男子气概的指控。This seems a fairly macho accusation.

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酒癖的英雄气概闪着光彩在翱翔。Wine Maniac's heroism soars with flare.

他以男子汉的气概勇敢地面对困难。He faced up to his difficulties manfully.

男子般气概的你会紧握忍耐的支柱。Manfully cling to the pillar of Patience.

对大多数男人来说,男子气概就是他们的一切。Manliness for most dudes is all they have.

弗兰克非常善良,有男子气概,并且心胸坦荡。Frank was very kind , manly , open-hearted.

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一个女人鄙夷地阉割了一个男人的气概Tauntingly, a woman lances a man's virility

酒癖的英雄气概闪着光彩在翱翔。Wine Maniac's heroic spirit soars with shine.

这就是为什么他要用“长劲”来证明他的男子气概。The penile power was a way to prove his manhood.

从男子气概来说,乍一看长得不错。Ruggedly good-looking in a manly-man sort of way.

林州人真有一股大无畏的气概。The people of Linzhou displayed a fearless spirit.

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这告诉了我们暴力与男儿气概之间存在何种关系?About the relationship between violence and manhood?

我认为斗牛大概是一种男性气概的终极表现。I consider bullfighting a sort of ultimate machismo.

教练是个很有男子气概的猛男。Our gym coach is a beefcake guy with a lot of macho.

我们的教练是个很有男子气概的猛男。Our gym coach is a beefcake guy with a lot of macho.

男子气概可以通过很多方面来表现。Masculinity can be described in so many different ways.

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奖金的回归中蕴含的乐观情绪颇具英雄气概。The optimism implied in the return of bonuses is heroic.

因为他的儿子已经十五岁了,可是一点男子气概都没有。Because he has the 15-year-old son, but that is not manly.

我们可能认为这是慷慨的表现,甚至自以为富有英雄气概。We may think this is a sign of generosity or even heroism.