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不在者永远理亏。The absent are always wronged.

我知道我理亏了,只好承认了。I knew I wrong, and had confessed.

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这还不能证明加工厂自己理亏吗?It also does not prove themselves wrong plant it?

后来他们自觉理亏,改变了态度。Later, they consciously wrong, changed his attitude.

现代男人站着理亏,躺着肾亏。Modern man station indefensible, lie sexual debility.

好老婆自己理亏时总会原谅老公的。A good wife always forgives her husband when she is wrong.

那个人当然是理亏的,那么药店老板做得对吗?That person is certainly in the wrong. is druggist right to do so?

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男孩自觉理亏,就红着脸爬下了树。Boy consciously indefensible, red-faced climbed down from the tree.

我们不仅仅理亏,现在,还有两个霜巨人死在我的手中!They were in the right, and now, two Frost Giants have died by my hand!

男人自知道自己理亏,挡了路,只说着什么急。The man from knew oneself bed in the wrong, has kept off the road, was only saying any anxiously.

那个人当然是理亏的,那么药店老板做得对吗?他制止谋杀案的办法你怎么看?That person is certainly in the wrong. is druggist right to do so?Do u think that he he prevent murder?

姜宇日最终摆平了这件事,因为客户自知骚扰女职员是件理亏的事情。Jiang Yuri finally settle this matter, because the customer insight is a wrong harassment of female staff.

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以前我任你数落几句也就罢了,毕竟这件事情我理亏在先。Before I allowed you to scold severals also just, once and for all this affair my indefensible was previously.

有了一大批掌握多门外语的谈判能手和律师,在全球贸易争端中,毫不理亏的我们还会哆嗦着说话吗?With a multitude of multilingual virtuosos of negotiators and lawyers, will we falter in global bargaining games?

那个人当然是理亏的,那么药店老板做得对吗?他制止谋杀的办法你怎么看?That person is certainly an indefensible of, so the medicine store owner make out right?Does he stop a murderous way how you see?

微软黑屏有值得商榷的地方,但对于使用盗版的人来说,理亏在先,还是不要理直气壮去把大棒挥动。The Microsoft black screen has the place which is worth discussing, but pirates regarding the use the human, bes in the wrong in first, do not go the big stick to wield righteously.