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对中国史学通史的阶段性划分。The phased division of General History of Chinese History.

学衡派对于中国通史的编写曾作过一系列探讨。Xueheng School to prepare for the General History of China made a series to explore.

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在中国通史编纂由传统向现代转型的过程中,1900-1915年这段时间至关重要。The period during 1900-1905 was essential in the process of the transition from tradition to Modern.

长江三峡中坝遗址是我国目前仅有、世界上也罕见的“通史式”遗址。The Zhongba site of the Three Gorges is only a "generally historic" site in China at present, uncommon in the world.

这本书成为中国历史上第一部编年体通史,是中国古代珍贵的文化遗产。This book became the model for later chronicle history books, and is a precious cultural inheritance of ancient China.

“历史完形论”是我国近代以来通史理论研究的先驱之作,具有独特的学术价值。Being the forerunner of the theories for the general histories in modem China, the theory has outstanding academic values.

“历史完形论”是我国近代以来通史理论研究的先驱之作,具有独特的学术价值。Being the forerunner of the theories for the general histories in modern China, the theory has outstanding academic values.

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两部史书,无论怎么互相贯通,难道要比一部完整的通史更能表现倾向统一的思想?Two history books, no matter how tongue, Is it better than the performance of a complete general history to unite the ideas?

我国学者在通史、区域史、国别史和专题史诸方面均取得丰硕成果。Chinese scholars have made great achievements in general history, regional history, national history, and special subject history.

近年来,编撰中国基督教通史的问题已经引起中国学者的重视。Chinese scholars have thought highly of the value of editing and writing the general history of Christianity in China in recent years.

圣母大学的瓦尔特•钮金先生撰写了一部通史,对以帝国作为主题是如何塑造美国历史的问题进行了诠释。Now Walter Nugent, of Notre Dame University, has produced a comprehensive history of how the thrust of empire shaped American history.

中国学者写的关于中国史、世界史的书常题名为“中国通史”、“世界通史”。The books relating to world history or history of England, written by English historians, are just called WORLD HISTORY or HISTORY OF ENGLAND.

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泉州海外交通史博物馆是中国唯一以海外交通史为专题的博物馆。The spring state oversea transportation history museum is the museum that the Chinese unique takes oversea transportation history as special subject.

一些信仰基督教的历史学家试图将犹太史、基督教史、过去的希腊和罗马文献合为一体,写一部通史。Some Christian historians attempted to write a universal history by combining Jewish and Christian history with the record of the Greek and Roman past.

因此,我们在综述这一问题时,为叙述方便,凡包举古代、近代者,均视为通史范围。Therefore, we review this issue, as the narrative convenience, where the package cite the ancient, modern persons, are considered the scope of History.

1915年这段时间,是中国古代通史编纂由传统向西方“普世史”模式转变过渡的时期。The years from 1900 to 1915 was transition period of the compilation of the Chinese ancient general history from tradition to west universal history model.

这是中国第一部纪传体通史,内容涉及到了政治、经济、文化、军事等各个方面。It was the first comprehensive biographical history book to appear in China. It covers a wide range of subjects, political, economic, cultural, military, etc.

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结语部分再一次阐明吕思勉通史新编的意义和价值,并对全文研究存在的不足进行了分析,为将来进一步研究奠定了基础。The conclusion remarks once again the meaning and value of his new General History, and analyzes the lack of the text in order to lay the foundation for further study.

编纂我国第一部通古今贯中外的心理学通史,具有填补空白的重要意义。It is of significant importance to compile the first book of comprehensive history of psychology both including the ancient and modern times and China as well as foreign countries.

俄国著名汉学家瓦西里耶夫是世界上第一部中国文学通史的作者,比中国人自己写作的文学史早了24年。Vasiliev, the famous Russian sinologist , was the author of the first survey of Chinese literature in the world, which was 24 years earlier than the literary history written by Chinese people.