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我要去邮局了。I am going to the postoffice.

我在邮局里遇到他。I met him at the post-office.

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我的兄弟是一个邮局???My brother is a postoffice???

在附近有一个邮局。There is a postoffice nearby.

左近有邮局吗?Is there a post office nearby?

第二单元邮局在哪里?Unit 2 wheres the post office?

一棵在VFW邮局里的圣诞树。Christmas tree from a VFW post.

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李女士到邮局寄挂号信。I'd like to register this letter.

邮局星期天不休息。The post office is open on Sunday.

他走到邮局去了。He hied himself to the post office.

她给我指明去邮局的路。She directed me to the post office.

哈里斯堡邮局员工的射击俱乐部Harrisburg Postal Employee Gun Club.

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造反派占领了邮局。The rebels occupied the post office.

在邮局。他们是邮递员。In the post office. They are postmen.

在梅恩大街上有一个邮局。There's a post office on Main Street.

邮件积滞在那个邮局里。Mail is backing up at the post office.

邮局的对过是旅馆。The hotel is opposite the post office.

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陆军上校Poulsen收到邮局送来的一个盒子。Colonel Poulsen received a box by post.

暴徒们袭击银行和邮局。Rioter attack the bank and post office.

一个叫Poulsen的上校通过邮局收到了一个盒子。A Colonel Poulsen received a box by post.