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以毒攻毒,以火攻火。Fight fire with fire.

治愈的方法是以毒攻毒。The cure is in the poison.

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拔疯狗之一毛治疯狗所咬之伤。以毒攻毒。酒醉以酒解。Take a hair of the dog that bit you.

要想在毒蛇的巢穴中生存,你就必须以毒攻毒。Inside the viper's nest, you must be viper, too.

蜈蚣蛇蝎是毒虫,但用得其当不也能以毒攻毒地治病吗?We can only use love to cure love, combat poison with poison.

顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。Homeopathic treatment is based on the "like cures like" principle.

老铁明白,这叫黑吃黑,以毒攻毒。Old iron understand, this call black eat black, combat poison with poison.

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最后,让我来“以毒攻毒”,“以子之矛攻子之盾”吧!At last, let me combat poison with poison, and attack your shield with your spear!

我叔叔输给了竞争对手,因为他不愿意以毒攻毒。My uncle lost out to his competitors because he wasn't willing to fight fire with fire.

以一种人性缺陷抵御另一种缺陷的负面影响,即以毒攻毒,还有比这更高尚之举?And what could be more noble than using onecharacter flaw to offset the bad effects of another?

斯托克在定位球上可是绝顶高手,但是温格说默特萨克可以在这场比赛中以毒攻毒。Arsène Wenger hopes Per Mertesacker can beat Stoke at their own game on Sunday by scoring from a set-piece.

蜈蚣蛇蝎是毒虫,但用得其当不也能以毒攻毒地治病吗?Centipedes, snakes and scorpions are venomous, but, when properly used, they cure disease by combating poison with poison, don't they?

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当涉及到肥胖的潜在新疗法,还有什么策略比利用我们多余的东西,以毒攻毒更好呢?When it comes to a potentially new treatment for obesity, what better strategy than to utilize something we already have in abundance?

重点阐述了“恶毒”的发病机理和以毒攻毒的治法,从而丰富和发展了土家医毒气学说内容。The mechanism of E-du and the approach of like cures like were emphasized, so it enriches the content of theory of Du-xie in Tu-jia medicine.

他可能会以毒攻毒,开始刻意疏远对方,试图靠冷落对方重新获得权力和控制力。He may fight fire with fire, distancing himself in those relationships in an attempt to regain power and control through expressing less interest.

从以毒攻毒的配方到油炸食物,还有非常恶心的混合物,我们找到了世界上最好最赞的宿醉食物。From hair-of-the-dog formulas to deep fried goodness, and seriously gross concoctions, we've got the best and the brightest in global hangover grub.

尽管有着“自由放任经济”的粉饰,里根政府实际上以毒攻毒,强硬地回击了日本扭曲市场的产业和贸易政策。For all its laissez-faire rhetoric, the Reagan administration fought fire with fire, responding to Japan's market-distorting industrial and trade policies with a firm hand.

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有些人说应该以毒攻毒,特别是是加了辣椒水的果汁,这也是为什么喝酒的人经常会点一杯“血腥玛丽”的原因。Others argue for a hair of the dog, in particular something including a fruit juice and a little bit of spice which is why a Bloody Mary is often cited as a popular choice.

本文论述了以毒攻毒法的定义,枚举了该法在环境工艺中的应用成果,在此基础上讨论了它的哲学内涵。In this paper, its definition is discoursed and its achievements of application in environmental technology are enumerated. Then the philosophical connotation of this method is discussed.

这时,更需要智性的发挥,以求巧妙地与其对抗,乃至以谬揭谬,以毒攻毒,逐步拓宽这些话语的裂缝,直至其最后分崩离析。At this time we need the use of enlightenment more than ever in order to deftly resist, even when it entails fighting fire with fire to widen the cracks in these discourses to the point of collapse.