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我们必须同甘共苦。We must share weal and woe.

在这里,你能找到同甘共苦旳家人。Here, you can find the family share.

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与你同甘共苦的人。Theone you share the joys and hardships with.

在这个国度,我们作为一个国家,作为一国同胞,同甘共苦。In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people.

他们是和人民群众同甘共苦的普通劳动者。They are ordinary labourers, sharing weal and woe with the people.

他与工人同甘共苦,在工地上一同祷告,一同歌唱,很受工人们的敬重。His workers, with whom he prayed and sang at job sites, revered him.

凉椅上坐着的或是两个同甘共苦的恋人,或是相依相偎的迟暮老人。Two share the joys and sorrows of lover, or two old holding together on the chair.

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喜欢迩钱的宥很多很多,但和你同甘共苦的妻子,只有一个。You-like money by bringing many, many, but your wife through thick and thin, there is only one.

“难道这就是你对这个和你同甘共苦了十七年的女人所能说的话吗?”他质问道。"And that's all you have to say about the woman you lived with for seventeen years?" he demanded.

如果矿工们要通过他领悟到上帝的爱,他必须爱他们,和他们同甘共苦。And if they were to learn of the love of God through him, he must love them enough to share with them.

如果你的旧MP3播放器还在抽屉里跟小强相依为命同甘共苦,把它翻出来吧,它可以像是瑞士军刀一样作为你临急临忙的得力工具。If your old MP3 player is serving time on the shelf, put it to work as an emergency Swiss army knife instead.

这很复杂,其中涉及与大型商业银行的交易部门同甘共苦。It was complicated. It involved swimming in the same pool with the trading desks of the big commercial banks.

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彼此真诚相待,真心相爱,同甘共苦,共同享受人间的快乐!Each other treats sincerely, the sincerity falls in love, shares joys and sorrows, enjoys the world together the joy!

我和李雷都统一个班学习,而且我们相互协助,同甘共苦,以是我们是很好的冤家。Li Lei and I study in the same class, we help each other and share happiness and sadness. So we are very good friends.

新的一年,我将用更多的时间来陪伴家人和朋友们。我将与他们同甘共苦,并且在他们最需要的时候给予帮助。I will spend more time with my families and friends. I will share with them my joys and tears and give them a hand when they need help.

如今,你需要证明你自己有卖点,能引起众人的注意,并且能拥有一群愿意和你同甘共苦的粉丝。These days you need to prove you can sell units, draw in crowds, and build a fan base that is willing to follow you through think and thin.

南宋大将岳飞就像是非凡的猛虎,对部下力求同甘共苦,对子女则严厉管教。Southern Song Dynasty General Yue Fei was a tiger of unusual stripe, as fiercely egalitarian to his men as he was dictatorial to his children.

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当年他来过这里,为了国家,他不计个人得失,与新疆人民同甘共苦,创造了无数的财富。When he was here before, for the country, he is not the personal gains, and the Xinjiang people through thick and thin, creating immense wealth.

那是一条活生生的生命,那是自己同甘共苦多年的爱人,然而在文裕章的眼里,最后病重的她成了一个负担,由他亲手将这个负担卸去。A fresh life, a lover for so many years, was simply a burden in Wen’s eyes since she fell ill. Then Wen removed this burden with his cruel hands.

当你的级别足够高,不需要承担繁重的工作,而你依然主动承担的时候,你其实是在告诉每一个同事,你很有担当,并且跟他们同甘共苦。Volunteering to do the grunt work on a project you rank high enough to walk away from shows everybody you work with that you’re strong and still in the game.