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窗户太少,必须得安个换气扇。The room has too few windows. A ventilator must be installed.

安装灶具的房间必须安装强力换气扇。The room installed with stoves should have powerful ventilator.

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电风扇,强力风扇,换气扇等,是我们主要的产品。Electric Fan, Powerful fan, Ventilating Fan, etc. are our main products.

当你打开浴室里的灯时,换气扇就启动了。When you switch on the light in the bathroom, the extractor fan switch on.

工业换气扇是工厂和仓库的理想选择。The Industrial Ventilation Fan is ideal for use in factories and warehouses.

当增加氡换气扇时,可进一步降低氡的水平。When radon ventilation fans are added radon levels can even be reduced further.

单相交流和直流家用和类似用途的电风扇,如吊扇、台扇、落地扇、换气扇、隔墙扇、壁扇、转页扇。AC and DC house electrical fan such as stand fan, desk fan , wall fan, orbit fan and so on.

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伴随着换气扇吸气的嘘声,他说那场事故对他的影响在日渐消退。The accident's power over him was diminishing, he said, as his ventilator sucked and hissed.

澳大利亚墨尔本的科学家们让人的血液流过动物的肺,并用换气扇和打气筒帮助动物的肺存活并“呼吸”。Scientists in Melbourne, Australia, used a and to keep the animal lungs alive and "breathing" while human blood flowed in them.

我们有全套的电机,模具,换气扇,工业扇,空调和洗衣机配件产品。We have full range production line of motors, mold, exhaust fan, industrial fan, air conditioner and washing machine spare parts.

本公司专业生产洗衣机,脱水机,电风扇,暖风机,换气扇,通风器等系列产品。This company specialized production washer, dehydrator, electric fan, warm air blower, ventilating fan , series product and so on.

提供了一种自动换气扇控制电路,具有自动向外抽烟,并向室内送入新鲜空气等功能。This paper suggests a control circuit of automatic ventilator, which has automatic smoke extracting and fresh air taking in function.

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此款由八个圆形和两个照明、换气扇组成,体现人居与自然之间的和谐。This ceiling is composed of eight rings , two lights and two ventilators. It presents the harmony between the human beings and nature.

工业换气扇型号可选任何壁挂或底座安装模式,24英寸或30英寸直径的叶片。Industrial Ventilation Fan models are available in either wall mount or pedestal mount models and feature blade diameters of 24" or 30".

部分换气扇产品质量较差,主要原因是企业一味降低成本,参于家电价格大战。Quality of partial ventilator product is poorer, main reason is the enterprise reduces cost blindly, join at great war of home appliance price.

澳大利亚墨尔本的科学家们让人的血液流过动物的肺,并用换气扇和打气筒帮助动物的肺存活并“呼吸”。Scientists in Melbourne, Australia, used a ventilator and pump to keep the animal lungs alive and "breathing" while human blood flowed in them.

本实用新型是一种用于换气扇的电源开关和百叶闭合连动的专用拉线开关装置。The utility model relates to a power switch used for a ventilating fan and a special pulling switch used for the closure and the linkage of shutter blades.

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百朗吸油烟机和换气扇以其高效能,低噪音,性能稳定等特点在北美市场处于绝对领先地位。With the nature of high efficiency, ultra silent & outstanding performance, Broan's Range Hoods and Ventilation Fans hold the incomparable leadership position in North America.

浙江嘉兴市西城电器有限公司,是一家集成吊顶、浴霸、换气扇等产品的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的专业企业。Jiaxing Xicheng Electric Appliance Co. , Ltd is a specialized company which focuses in the researching, producing and selling of integrated ceiling, bathroom heater and ventilator.

明一下子猛醒过来,他和琳还处在鬼门关前,要尽快脱离险境,他也感到呼吸发紧,大概是没电了,换气扇不工作,空气稀薄吧。Ming suddenly wake up over, he and Linda is still in death, as soon as possible out of the woods, he also feel tighter breathing, presumably dead, ventilation fan doesn't work, the thin air.