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生意毫无收益。Business was zilch.

生意正在好起来。Business is taking up.

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嘿,白鬼,生意怎么样?Hey, honky, hows work?

她做了一笔好生意。She made a good trade.

那笔生意将由谁来代理?Who will agent the deal?

目前生意萧条不振。Business is slack just now.

不过,足球是一门生意。But football is a business.

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他的生意兴旺。He has a thriving business.

对作生意感到厌烦。Hewas fed up with business.

现在生意做得怎样?The business went belly-up.

生意极为清淡。Business is deplorably dull.

他跟中国作生意。He does business with China.

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他在倒卖股票的生意中赚了一大笔。He earned a lot by scalping.

我是否应当做这笔生意?Should I start the business?

但这只是我自己的生意”。But this is just my business.

请问,您在做哪行生意?May ask what line are you in?

他们经营煤碳生意。They conduct a coal business.

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他们做皮货生意。They trade in furs and skins.

斑斑驳驳,生意葱茏。To mark or mottle with spots.

我做的是广告牌制作的生意。It was a sign-making business.