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他气得怒发冲冠。He bristled with anger.

怒发冲冠五侠客将有一个要得到龙卷轴了!One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll!

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哇哦我喜欢你怒发冲冠的样子…Wow. i love when you get all worked up like that.

他总是很平静,从不过怒发冲冠,也不过度兴奋。He stays calm and never gets angry or too excited.

乌里韦先生的反应是怒发冲冠。Mr Uribe's reaction was characteristically combative.

我听说残忍虐待动物,就怒发冲冠。When I heard of cruelty to animals it makes me see red.

我的邻居在我们的狗偷了他的报纸时怒发冲冠。My neighbor flew into a rage when our dog stole his newspaper.

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一个曾和你有分歧的朋友会对你怒发冲冠。A friend you have had disagreements with may wave the red flag.

你可以看到,当她听到他描述他的计画就怒发冲冠。You could see her hackles rising as she heard him outline his plan.

听到那个律师在讲演中污蔑我们的祖先,大家都气得怒发冲冠。All of us bristled at the lawyer's speech insulting our forefathers.

怒发冲冠的父亲拿着斧子去追赶,砍掉了蛇的一节尾巴。The father in a rage got his axe, and pursuing the Serpent, cut off part of its tail.

怒发冲冠的信介立即让夏美把小健接走了。The letter to bristle when the interface XiaoJian summer beauty immediately picked up.

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信介也怒发冲冠,表示决议立即就走,夏美就单独一人继续好了。Letter interface, says resolution redundant wood workers also immediately went, summer beauty.

任何关于你工作不够完美的微小暗示都令你怒发冲冠,甚至这种暗示是你想象出来的。You bristle at the slightest hint that your work wasn't perfect-even when the hint is imagined.

如果中国孩子拿了个B回来,虽然这基本不可能,但首先会是一场夹杂着尖叫和怒发冲冠的大风暴。If a Chinese child gets a B—which would never happen—there would first be a screaming, hair-tearing explosion.

为了在二月份才需结算清的债务,你说在十二月份就出手海鸟粪,这简直叫我怒发冲冠。My hair stands on end when you talk of parting with guano in December because there are bills which have to be met in February.

我们总是说“怒发冲冠为红颜”,而这一怒中,到底有多少真的是为了红颜呢,唉,到底男人欠女人多少呢。We always say" be up his hat as a confidante", and this anger, how much is it really for confidante, alas, what men owe how many women.

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这些数据表明同性性爱刺激——例如看见两男子牵手——可以让已经生气的同性恋憎恶者更加怒发冲冠。These data suggest that homoerotic stimuli—such as seeing two men holding hands—could send an already angry homophobic man over the top.

怒发冲冠或喜上心头的一瞬间,比起许许多多平静的时刻能够把你带得更远,片刻的消遣可让你终生蒙羞。A moment of wrath or a pleasure carries you on farther than many hours of calm, and often a short diversion may put a whole life to shame.

巴西边后卫承认一向冷静的贝尼特斯在他们欧冠半场休息时怒发冲冠。The Brazilian full-back has admitted that the normally cool Spaniard blew his top at half-time in Tuscany during their UEFA Champions League clash.