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我的儿媳妇是个律师。My daughter-in-law is an lawyer.

山姆,现在你可以亲吻我的儿媳妇了!Sam, you may now kiss my daughter-in-law.

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要关心儿媳妇或女婿。Be attentive to the daughter or son in law.

儿子和儿媳妇为眼前的脏乱感到非常的恼火。The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess.

这是他和老伴来公园找儿媳妇的第三天了。This was the third day he and his wife had spent in parks, looking.

你要出楼船,你和你妻子,儿子、和儿媳妇都要同你出来。Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives.

我说过她是我的儿媳妇,因此,她当然是嫁给我的儿子的了。I said she was my daughter-in-law, therefore, she must have married my son.

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时间久了,就衍生出一个想法,娶青河做儿媳妇。As time went by, there appeared an idea to marry Qinghe as the daughter-in-law.

我不喜欢和我儿子儿媳妇一起住,我觉得我很多余。I don't like living with my son and daughter-in-law. I feel like a?fifth wheel.

“希刺克厉夫太太是我的儿媳妇,”希刺克厉夫说,证实了我的猜测。Mrs Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law, ' said Heathcliff, corroborating my surmise.

她是个贤淑的女人,而且是我所能选到的最漂亮的儿媳妇。She is a fine woman and the most beautiful daughter-in-law I could have asked for.

对儿媳妇或女婿咆哮不会解决任何问题。A ranting and raving session with the daughter or son in law, does not solve anything.

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一位年老体衰的父亲去和他儿子、儿媳妇,还有四岁的小孙子一起生活。A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year old grandson.

印度有一位“超人”,拥有39个老婆,94个孩子,14个儿媳妇,33个孙儿女。India has a "Superman", has 39 wives and 94 children, 14 daughter and 33 grandchildren.

首先,无论你对儿媳妇或女婿的印象如何,都要隐藏起来。First of all, no matter what feelings you have for the daughter or son in-law, bury them.

她觉得在感情上和礼节上,都必须去看望她那未来的儿媳妇。She felt bound by regard, as well as by etiquette, to go and see her future daughter-in-law.

他继续领导起义,同时与爱德华的儿媳妇伊莎贝拉擦出爱的火花。As he continues his revolt, he also has a love affair with Isabella, Edward's daughter-in-law.

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从前有一户人家,家里有父亲、四个儿子和三个儿媳妇。There was once a family consisting of a father, his four sons, and his three daughters-in-law.

丈夫去世了,儿媳妇有没有赡养公婆的义务?The husband has passed away , if the daughter-in-law has had the duty supporting parents-in-law?

开学时,我们的儿媳妇要去教书,我的太太就帮忙照顾小孙女。My wife babysits for our young granddaughter Eliana during the school year while her mom teaches.