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密特拉是一个印度—伊朗语系的太阳神。Mithra is an Indo-Iranian sun god.

丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。Danish and Swedish are allied languages.

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朋友的意思,或对美国人友好的西班牙语系人。What's the meaning of 'amigo' in spanish?

闪族语系的词根结构。The root structure of the semitic languages.

英语被分类为日尔曼语系。English is classified as a Germanic language.

国内就北京大学一家有,东语系。Peking University has a home on East languages.

英语属于日尔曼语系。English belongs to the Germanic group of languages.

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现代的潮语系由古闽南语所演化而成。Modern Teochew evolved from the more archaic Min-Nan.

在同一种语言的不同语系上也是如此。This is true of different dialects within a language.

英语主要来自于日尔曼语系。English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock.

但是,允许在当地语系化中对其进行重新排序。However, it is allowed to reorder them in localizations.

俄汉语属不同的语系。Chinese and Russian belong to different language families.

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英语主要来自于日尔曼语系。The English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock.

使用南岛语系的人与黑潮的图。The picture of the Austronesian languages human and Kuroshio.

朱天娇就读于上海外国语大学日语系。Zhu is a Japanese major at Shanghai International Studies University.

当时希腊语系的范围很广,运动选手会从各地而来参与比赛。Athletes would come from all over the Greek-speaking world to compete.

本星期法语系同学大多数都在乡下劳动。This week most students majored in French were working in the country.

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俄语系学生即学俄语又学英语。The students in the Russian Department learn English as well as Russian.

分布在华盛顿到英属哥伦比亚的美洲印第安语系的一个分支。A family of amerindian languages spoken in washington and british columbia.

描述选取可当地语系化的资源名称之最佳作法。Describes the best practices for selecting names for localizable resources.