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我来看看。打印机卡纸了。Let me check. It has a paper jam.

相纸收纸错误,相纸已卡纸在转向导轨1。NO. 069 Paper rewinding error, Paper is jammed at tum guide 1.

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哦,没什么大问题,就是卡纸了。我帮你取出来。Oh, it's not a big deal. Just a paper jam. I'll take them out.

铜版纸,镜面铜版纸,热转印纸,标签卡纸。Coated & Uncoatde Papers, Gloss Paper, Thermal Transfer, Tag Stock.

光泽压光机是涂布纸板、涂布卡纸的重要整饰装置。Gloss calender is the important finishing equipment for coated board.

如果卡纸,你要确定适本地将卡纸清除。If you have a paper jam, make sure you clear the jammed paper properly.

女郎也是用卡纸剪的,但是她却穿着透明的纱裙。She was also cut out in paper, but she had a dress of the clearest gauze.

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能够在瓦楞纸、卡纸、胶板等材质上压出完美的折叠线。It can fold corrugated paper, card paper and offset board into perfect line.

卡纸锁具吊牌对单一使用者是一种比较经济的选择。Our cardstock lockout tags are a cost-effective option for single use applications.

卡纸与卡纸裱糊时可选用压力可调的压块。When laminating paperboard with paperboard, pre-adjustable pressing part is optional.

滑托板采用高质牛卡纸复合而成,具有很好的抗湿性和很强的抗撕裂性。Be made of high quality craft paper , possessing good anti-humidity and tear resistant.

另外,如果你正是我中意的那位,现在应该正在解决复印机卡纸的问题,请稍后给我电话。And if you're the guy I like, the one currently un-jamming the copier, DO call me later.

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并寻求灰底白板纸合作与寻求白卡纸合作。And seeks the ash bottom white paperboard cooperation with to seek the ivory board cooperation.

阳光纸业是中国目前唯一拥有一条轻涂白面牛卡纸生产线的生产商。Currently Sunshine Paper owns the only production line for light-coated linerboard all over China.

普通顾客对打印机投诉最多的是卡纸和连接的问题。Topping the list of common customer complaints are paper jams and problems connecting to a printer.

包装盒的正面和背面,正面为产品名,背面使他们的商标和网址,材料是黑色糙面卡纸加激光切割。These are the packaging's front and rear view. Box is made of black card, words and logo are lazer cut.

如受检者看不清报纸文字,可用卡纸盖住眼睛轮流测试两眼视力。If client is unable to see print clearly, test each eye separately by placing index card over one eye at a time.

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我用的是高品质的喷墨列印纸,而且每个星期都会清理机器,不过还是常卡纸。I have used high-quality ink-jet paper, and I clean my printer every week. But the paper still gets jammed often.

其中常用印刷用纸主要包括铜版纸、牛皮纸、双胶纸、书写纸、新闻纸、白卡纸等。One common printing paper include art paper, kraft paper, offset paper, writing paper, newsprint, white cardboard.

很遗憾地,你们的印表机并不如广告上所写的那麽好用。首先,常常卡纸。Unfortunately, your printer hasn't worked as well as your advertisements say. First, the paper always gets jammed.