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一艘邦联的船只将福克斯运送到萨姆特堡。A Confederate boat carried Fox to Sumter.

高原教授,弗吉尼亚州立邦联大学,美国。Yuan Gao, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.

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一个邦联步枪开火的步枪。A group of Confederate riflemen fire their muskets.

邦联败军则损失了23231名士兵。The defeated Confederate army lost 23, 231 soldiers.

他们离开了联盟组建了独立的邦联共和国。Instead they left the Union to form their own separate republic.

这是在这一基石之上,邦联找到了革命的起点It was the cornerstone on which they had founded their revolution.

里士满是邦联首都,然而李将军认为他再也无力守住城门了。Lee did not believe, however, that he could hold the city much longer.

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南方军获得了“七日战役”的胜利,北方军对南方首都雷切蒙德的威胁结束了,南方邦联得以挽救。The South won the Seven Days Campaign. The threat to Richmond was ended.

邦联的角度来看来回摆动从李登辉朗斯特里特。The Confederate point of view swings back and forth from Lee to Longstreet.

统一之前,中国是诸侯国的邦联,叫做“中央王国”。Before that, China was a confederation of states, called "the middle kingdoms".

该剧以一台喷涂了邦联战旗的跑车为特色。The show features a sports car with the Confederate battle flag painted on top.

他在南部邦联投降的第二天即去了里士满,听取李的投降书。He entered Richmond the day after its surrender, and heard of Lee's capitulation.

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将加拿大的省及地区一一列举出来,并标明它们分别是何时加入邦联的?List each province and territory and tell when each one joined the Confederation.

在旧的邦联土方工程后面几百码的地方是一座木头小山。A few hundred yards to the rear of the old Confederate earthworks is a wooded hill.

林肯总统越来越担心维吉尼亚军队的进攻,他担心在维吉尼亚的邦联军队会在内战暴发的第一天就攻占华盛顿。President Lincoln was becoming increasingly worried about Virginia's military moves.

塔苏斯害怕性命难保,而且不相信邦联会保护他,因此逃离了奥尔托。Tusus, afraid for his life and not trusting the Confederacy to protect him, fled Orto.

杰斐逊·戴维斯之所以能在1860年,成为南部邦联总统There's a very good reason Jefferson Davis becomes president of the confederacy in 1860.

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我们一直在寻找现存最年长的南部邦联寡妇,要是你注意过这方面消息的话We've always been looking for the oldest Confederate widow, in case you haven't noticed.

我们总能找到些仍然健在的老太太,号称自己曾与南部邦联士兵结过婚We're always finding some woman alive who claims she was married to a Confederate soldier.

到达那里的南方邦联军人根本就不知道在他们后面没有后援。The confederates who had reached that far didn't know that there was no backup behind them.